How to Dispute Errors on a Tenant Screening Report

Posted on: July 26, 2023
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Landlords use Tenant Screening Reports to get information about possible renters. Tenant Screening Reports are different from Credit Reports.

Credit reports cover your payment history for credit cards, loans, utilities, and other accounts. There are three credit reporting companies: TransUnion, Equifax, and Experian.

Tenant Screening Reports cover your credit history AND:

  • money owed to past landlords
  • if a past landlord filed to evict you
  • criminal background

Many companies create Tenant Screening Reports. These include RentGrow, LeasingDesk, AppFolio, and Screening Reports, Inc.


1.         Find out which company created the report

A landlord might have used information from a Tenant Screening Report to reject you because of your eviction record, owing money to another landlord, or criminal record.

A law called the Fair Credit Reporting Act says you have the right to know the name of the company that created the Tenant Screening Report.

Ask the landlord or property manager which company created the report. Ask that person to show you a copy of the report so you can see what the information looks like.

You can also get a copy of the report from the company that created it.

2.         Submit a Dispute

Most companies that sell Tenant Screening Reports have a form on their website that you can use to point out something wrong in a report. The company's website will also say how you can contact the company about errors in your report.

Try to contact the company in writing if you can!

Remember that each tenant screening company has its dispute process.


  • Explain exactly why something in the report is wrong. Here are some examples:
  • The report shows an eviction judgment against you when the case was dismissed or settled
  • Your former landlord says you owe money you already paid or do not owe
  • A record that does not belong to you is showing up on your report
  • Attach any proof to help show that something in the Tenant Screening Report is wrong.

If you need help disputing information in a Tenant Screening Report, contact Southeast Louisiana Legal Services at 504-529-1000x.223

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