SLLS 2019 April Newsletter

SLLS 2019 April Newsletter

For the last several decades, Louisiana’s held the title of "mass incarceration capital of the world." Sadly, one out of every two people released from prison in Louisiana will return back shortly after within a five year time span. Even worse, one in...
Helping People Prosper After They Return Home

Helping People Prosper After They Return Home

PLEASE NOTE BEFORE READING: The names and other identifying information of the individuals portrayed were changed to protect our client’s identity. Gene hoped to build a better life for himself. When he was a teenager he was charged with a misdemeanor and was sent to...
2019 March Newsletter

2019 March Newsletter

Last week, a Times-Picayune’s front page article revealed that in 75% of civil cases in Louisiana, one or both parties are forced to represent themselves in court because they cannot afford an attorney. Louisiana is one of only three states in the...