
The information provided on this post does not, and is not intended to, represent legal advice. All information available on this site is for general informational purposes only. If you need legal help, you should contact a lawyer. You may be eligible for our free legal services and can apply by calling our Covid Legal Hotline at 1-844-244-7871 or applying online here.

Current As of November 2020

Have you gotten a letter or lawsuit about owing money back to ROAD HOME? If so, help may be available for lawsuits and debt collections.

  • There may be help even if you have not returned home, not elevated or are otherwise not in compliance.
  • There may be help as to the first or later grants from ROAD HOME.

If you have proof any of these problems kept you from elevating or returning to your home, you might be able to get your debt ended or reduced:

The Problem or What Happened

Contractor Fraud

Theft or Vandalism

Later Property Damage (hurricane, flood, fire, etc.)

Money used for rent or other housing costs (After August of 2008)

You had to use the funds to pay down or off the mortgage of the damaged property

Proof You May Need

Copy of contract, receipts, lawsuits filed, proof of incomplete work, police reports, etc.

Police reports, insurance claims, civil or criminal complaints, proof of damage, receipts or proof of stolen items, etc.

Insurance claims or paperwork, building inspections, photos of damages, etc.

Lease agreements, rent receipts, hotel/motel receipts, etc.

Mortgage Payoff letter, copies of insurance checks, payoff statements, etc.

These are some of the common problems and documents used to show what happened. This is not a list of every problem or every document you may need.  Keep the documents in a safe place. Make copies, take pictures or scan the documents. A lawyer experienced in dealing with Road Home collections can help you through this. To see if Southeast Louisiana Legal Services can provide free help, call 1-844-244-7871.

La información proporcionada en este artículo no representa, ni pretende, asesoramiento legal. Toda la información disponible en este sitio es solo con fines informativos generales. Si necesita ayuda legal, debe ponerse en contacto con un abogado. Usted puede ser elegible para nuestros servicios legales gratuitos y puede llamarnos a nuestra línea directa legal de Covid al 1-844-244-7871 o aplicar con nuestra aplicación electrónica aquí.

Hay muchas razones por que la agencia (LWC) puede descontinuar sus beneficios después de ser realizados. Estas razones incluyen:

  • No presentar sus certificaciones semanales.
  • Proporcionando información errónea.
  • Otras razones no incluida en esta lista.

De cualquier manera, usted debe recibir notificación escrita por cualquier motivo que haya provocado que sus beneficios cesen. Si esto le está pasando, usted puede llamar a nuestra agencia de servicios legales conocido como Southeast Louisiana Legal Services. Nuestro número es 1-844-244-7871. Nosotros le podemos proveer servicios gratuitos.

Usted siempre debe recibir una notificación que provea las razones de por que sus beneficios han parado. Estas notificaciones deben incluir información también de como usted puede apelar cualquier determinación hecha por la agencia LWC. Estas notificaciones siempre deben ser disponible por su cuenta de HIRE.

Solo hay 15 días disponibles para apelar cualquier notificación. Apelar estas notificaciones es bien fácil, pero si sus beneficios han parado, es importante que usted revise su cuenta de HIRE inmediatamente por una notificación si no ha recibido información.

Algunas veces estas notificaciones proveen información sobre documentos o instrucciones que usted no ha seguido. A veces, no proporcionar ciertos documentos o información puede impedir que se procesen los pagos de sus beneficios. Si usted puede resolver este problema, sus beneficios pueden empezar de nuevo. Usted solo va perder una semana de beneficios. Si está desempleado el tiempo suficiente para que se le acaban los beneficios, se le pagara el mismo número de semanas que le hubieran pagado de todos modos (para compensar la semana perdida).

Pero la agencia NO PUEDE:

  • Parar sus beneficios sin darle una notificación con información de por qué sus beneficios han parado y sin darle una audiencia. (No importa si usted ha llamado a la agencia y que le digan que están trabajando sobre su caso. Usted siempre debe recibir una notificación con información de sus derechos. Si usted no ha recibido una notificación, esto es una violación de sus derechos.)
  • Parar sus beneficios porque creen que usted no está elegible en recibir sus beneficios sin darle una audiencia primero. También no pueden parar sus beneficios si usted tiene una descualificación. Personas en esta situación también pueden recibir una notificación que dice que usted debe todo los beneficios que usted ya ha recibido.

Si unas de las razones mencionadas le han pasado, las cortes judiciales serán más disponible en decidir que el Estado de Louisiana debe cumplir ciertos pasos antes de que sus beneficios cesen. En varias maneras, el estado no está haciendo esto.

¿Cuáles son los pasos que las cortes judiciales requieren antes de que una agencia cambia su decisión sobre las razones que usted estaba recibiendo beneficios de desempleo?

La agencia siempre debe darle información incluyendo las razones por que sus beneficios han parado. También la agencia debe darle una oportunidad para responder antes de que sus beneficios han parado. Esto lo pueden hacer por una notificación que le dé la oportunidad de apelar cualquier decisión antes de un cambio en sus beneficios.

Si sus beneficios han parados y no recibió una notificación, talvez puede recibir ayuda con nosotros. Nuestro número de emergencia para servicios legales es 1-844-244-7871. Este número lo dejara aplicar para servicios legales gratuitos.

¿Qué otra cosa puedo hacer?

Usted puede apelar cualquier decisión que dice que usted ya no está elegible para beneficios de desempleo e también puede apelar cualquier decisión sobre un sobrepago. Usted debe apelar inmediatamente. Casa persona solo tiene 15 días para apelar cualquier decisión hecha por la agencia, LWC.  Su notificación va incluir puede incluir la fecha en que usted puede someter su apelación. Si usted pierde esta fecha, usted puede perder su derecho para apelar.

Cada notificación incluye instrucciones de como apelar. Pero usted puede encontrar más información sobre apelaciones aquí. (Información solo disponible en inglés.)

Otros Recursos

Para más información sobre beneficios de desempleo puede ser encontrado aquí.

Información sobre situaciones de sobrepagos con la agencia de desempleo se puede encontrar aquí.



The information provided on this post does not, and is not intended to, represent legal advice. All information available on this site is for general informational purposes only. If you need legal help, you should contact a lawyer. You may be eligible for our free legal services and can apply by calling our Covid Legal Hotline at 1-844-244-7871 or applying online here.

There are many reasons why the agency (LWC) can cut off your unemployment after it started. These include failing to do your weekly certifications, misreporting something to the agency, and others. You should get a written notice about any cut-off. If your unemployment benefits have been cut off, you can call Southeast Louisiana Legal Services at 1-844-244-7871 to see if we can provide free help.

The cut-off notice should say why your benefits are being stopped and say how you can appeal. It should be mailed unless you signed up with the agency to get notices another way, like by email. You should always be able to see any notices through your online “HIRE” account.

There are only 15 days to appeal a notice. The appeal is easy to file. But if your benefits stop, it is important to look in HIRE immediately for a notice if you have not gotten one.

Some cut-offs can also be fixed if you do something the agency says you failed to do. If you fix the issue, your benefits can restart the next week.  For example, if you missed your weekly certification, go ahead and do your certification the next week. You will only lose one week’s benefits.  If you are unemployed long enough that your benefits run out, you will end up being paid the same number of weeks as you would have been anyway (making up for your missed week).

But the agency should not:

  1. Cut off your benefits without a notice to you about why and without offering you a hearing. (Even if you call in and the agency says it is working on your claim, the agency must still send you a notice. Not sending a notice when it stops your benefits is wrong.)
  2. Cut off your benefits because it thinks you were never eligible for (or were always disqualified from) receiving unemployment without giving you a hearing first. People in this situation will also get an overpayment notice saying they owe all the benefits they were paid back.

If either occurs after you were approved for unemployment benefits, courts are likely to rule that the State has to follow certain steps before your benefits are cut off. In many cases, Louisiana is not doing these things.

What do courts often require before the agency can change its mind about whether I get unemployment?

The agency should let you know that it wants to stop your benefits and why.

And it must give you a chance to respond before cutting your benefits off. It can do this by giving you a notice that you can appeal and an appeal decision before your benefits stop.

If your unemployment benefits were stopped and you were not given the reason why and a hearing before they stopped, Southeast Louisiana Legal Services may be able to help. Call our COVID-19 Helpline at 1-844-244-7871 to apply for free legal assistance.

What else should I do?

You can appeal any decision that you should not get unemployment or that you have been “overpaid.”  Appeal right away to protect your rights! You only have 15 days to submit your appeal. Your notice will include the date you must submit your appeal by. If you miss the deadline, you will lose your right to appeal.

The letter will provide instructions on how to appeal. You can find more information on appeals here.


More information on Unemployment Benefits during Covid can be found here.

Information on Unemployment Overpayments can be found here.


The information provided on this post does not, and is not intended to, represent legal advice. All information available on this site is for general informational purposes only. If you need legal help, you should contact a lawyer. You may be eligible for our free legal services and can apply by calling our Covid Legal Hotline at 1-844-244-7871 or applying online here.

What is a remote hearing?

A remote hearing is a court hearing by video or telephone (using programs such as Zoom).

The Louisiana Supreme Court has ordered that remote hearings should be used as much as possible for court hearings to help protect people from Covid-19. Some courts are doing most of their hearings that way.

You may be scheduled for a remote hearing (it will be on the notice telling you to appear in court) or may need to request a remote hearing to help protect yourself from Covid-19. More information on protecting yourself from Covid in court and requesting a remote hearing can be found here.

I don’t have a smartphone or computer? Can I still participate in a remote hearing?

Yes. Programs such as Zoom will allow you to join by dialing in from your phone. You will call in using the number provided by the Court.

If possible, it is best that you participate by smartphone or computer if your computer has a microphone and webcam. Using video can help your case and will let you see what everyone else is seeing. Some courts are providing the technology used for remote hearings. If you do not have a device you can use for your hearing, contact the Court to see if they are providing it.

Is a remote hearing more casual than an in-person hearing?

No. You should treat a remote hearing the same way you would when you go to court. You should still be prepared, be on time, and wear “church clothes” like you normally would to court. Others in your house should not be making noise in the background or interrupting. Also look at what will be on camera that is behind you—will it make a good impression on the judge?

I want to show the judge some evidence. How do I do that during a remote hearing?

Contact the court well ahead of the hearing. You can find the contact information:

If you have a document that is important for your case, it is important for the court and others at the hearing be able to see it, or it may not be considered. Each court will have its own rules about evidence for a remote hearing. But its rules may not be in writing anywhere. You may be asked to email or mail it to court staff or use the court’s website. Or the court may tell you to submit it during the hearing. See below. You should also ask the court what the deadlines are for submitting evidence. Try to do this as soon as possible, since some courts will require you to submit your evidence several days before your hearing.

What are some things I should practice before my remote hearing?

If the court is using Zoom:

1. Install Zoom

On your smartphone or tablet

You can also download Zoom on your smartphone or tablet in the Google Play store (if you have an Android device) or App Store (if you have an iPhone/Apple device.) The app name is “Zoom Cloud Meetings.”

On your laptop or computer

You can download Zoom on your laptop or computer by going to The download will likely start automatically.

2. Create a Zoom Account

  • You can create a Zoom account from the app you downloaded or by going to the website You will need an email address to create your account.
  • You will receive an email from Zoom ( In this email, click Activate Account. You must activate your account in order to use it.

3. Practice Using Zoom

This is very important so that you know what to do during the court hearing. Most judges are not going to want to train you! With a friend on the other end practice:

  • getting in to a call
  • unmuting yourself
  • making sure you can hear others on the call and that they can hear you
  • making sure you can see others on the call and that they can see you
  • switching the view so you can see everyone at the hearing at the same time
  • seeing others on the call while someone is presenting a document (sharing their screen)
  • sharing documents during a call, in the way the court has said it wants it done, if you have documents that you will be sharing
  • looking at the “Chat” function, in case the court uses it
  • seeing whether you have strong enough internet to run the video. (If your video is choppy you may want to watch by video but call in by phone so the court can clearly hear you. If the court has not sent a call-in number, call ahead to get one

You can also try a practice call at This will let you test the features on Zoom and become familiar with the program.

Helpful Instruction Videos from Zoom



If the court is using something that is not Zoom:

  • Be sure to download it ahead of time
  • Be sure you can start it and run it on your computer or phone
  • Try as many of the things listed above for Zoom as you can. If possible, practice it by getting a friend to get the same application, so you know what you are doing.
  • Look on the internet for tips about using the program

Scanning Evidence Using Your Phone or Tablet

If you have to submit evidence electronically (either by emailing the Court, using the Court’s website, or submitting it during your remote hearing), you will need to scan the documents you want to show the judge. You can do this from your phone or tablet. You will need a device with a working camera and can download a free scanner app from the Google Play store (if you have an Android device) or App Store (if you have an iPhone/Apple device).

  1. Place the documents you would like to scan on a flat surface with a plain, dark background.
  2. Take a picture of the document with your device’s camera. Try to stand over the document so that you can get a picture of the whole page. If there are multiple pages, be sure to take a picture of each page.
  3. Be sure to check that the document is not blurry and is easy to read.
  4. The app may ask you to name the scanned document. You should include a date, your name, and a short description of what the document is.

Example: 10.04.2020_Jane Doe_Pictures.

  1. The app will ask if you want to save the scan. It’s a good idea to save the scanned document to your device so you have the documents ready to send to the Court or submit during the call (if that is how evidence is submitted for your hearing).

Sharing Evidence during Your Remote Hearing

Some courts may ask that you submit your evidence during the hearing. You will do this using the video software used for your hearing (most likely, Zoom).

  1. During a Zoom meeting, click “Chat.”
  2. Click “File,” then click “Your Computer” to send a file from your device.
  3. Make sure you are sending the file to “Everyone.”
  4. When the file has been successfully sent to everyone on the call, you will see a green checkmark.

Log In Early to Your Hearing

Courts do not like people to be late, and it can take a few minutes to get on or figure out a problem that comes up. So get onto the call at least ten minutes early.

What should I do if I cannot login in to my remote court hearing or if I miss it?

If you are scheduled for a remote hearing, you must provide the court with a good phone number and email address that you will be checking daily. The information for your videoconference hearing will likely be sent by email. You may also be emailed documents or evidence that will be discussed at the hearing.

If your contact information changes, you should let the court know as soon as possible.

You should check your email often (at least daily) leading up to your hearing, since the court may send information about your case and you may need to take action quickly. The court’s information for the hearing may change a day or two ahead or even on the day of the hearing, so it is important you check your email.

Do not ignore the video hearing. If you cannot make the hearing, notify the court in advance (unless it was something like an emergency hospitalization).

If you cannot connect to the hearing using the information sent to you, contact the court immediately. If your connection drops during the hearing or if you are kicked off of the call, immediately try to get back in. If you get back in, say to the court on the video how long you were off and ask them to go back through the part missed again. If this does not work, contact the court.

If you do not connect for your hearing and do not answer if the court tries to contact you, a judgment may be entered against you. This may require you to file additional motion(s) and paperwork with the court, or else lose your case.

What should I do if I can’t see or hear the other people in the virtual hearing or if there are tech issues?

If you are able to connect to the hearing, but cannot see or hear the other people on the call, do not just leave the meeting. Try to let the other people on the call know about the issues you are having by either speaking or using the “chat” feature on the program or calling the judge’s staff while the hearing is still happening.

You should also try to get all of the issues you have during a virtual hearing “on the record.” Be as specific as you can. If it is related to tech issues, be sure to state that.

Example: Can you repeat that? I had trouble hearing you since we’re using Zoom for today’s hearing.

Example: Can you repeat that? The call cut out.

Some virtual hearings may be “mixed hearings”—some people are participating with video and others are in court in-person. Be sure to get any issues you are having hearing or seeing parts of the hearing on the record.

Example: I cannot see the document, since I am on video and the attorney showing the document is at the court in-person.


More remote court tips can be found here.