How to Handle COVID-19 Stimulus Payments from the Government

The information provided on this post does not, and is not intended to, represent legal advice. All information available on this site is for general informational purposes only. If you need legal help, you should contact a lawyer. You may be eligible for our free legal services and can apply by calling our Covid Legal Hotline at 1-844-244-7871 or applying online here.

If you have received or expect to receive stimulus payments from the government due to the COVID-19 crisis, be careful how you receive and keep the money.  There are several ways you could lose the money, before you even get it.


The easiest way for most people to receive their stimulus payment is through a direct deposit from the government to their bank account. Unfortunately, that is also the easiest way to lose it. A few pitfalls to watch out for are:

You Owe Money

If you owe money and a court has entered a judgment against you, your money could be seized (garnished) the second it is sent to your bank.  For example, if a credit card company has a judgment against you and it is unpaid, the creditor could have obtained a court order for the bank to seize any money that is deposited into your account.

Also, do you owe bank fees?   Is your account overdrawn?   If so, the bank can offset and take your stimulus payments to pay its bank fees.

Unless your stimulus is deposited into a specially designated account (see below), a creditor or the bank could take your stimulus money.

Only A Special Type Of Bank Account Can Protect Your Stimulus Money

Some of you may have heard that the law recently changed to protect stimulus payments.   That is true for money in bank accounts only if you have a special type of account.

Under a new law passed in Louisiana, stimulus money that you receive or hold in the bank is only protected if you open a specific type of account.   You must open an account that is designated as an "RS 20:34 Account."   That's right, the bank must describe it as an RS 20:34 Account on the paperwork.   If your account is not designated that way, a creditor can seize your stimulus money.

It may be possible to convert an existing bank account to an RS 20:34 account, but make sure the designation appears conspicuously on the paperwork from the bank creating the account.   If you request checks, make sure the designation “RS 20:34 Account” appears on the checks.

Don't Commingle (Mix) Stimulus Money With Other Money

If you have stimulus money in a designated RS 20:34 bank account, only use that account to hold the stimulus funds.   If you deposit other funds into the same account, the stimulus money could lose its exempt status.

If A Garnishment Order Has Been Issued, You Must Obtain A Court Order To Enjoin The Seizure Of Exempt Funds

Louisiana’s new law does not automatically stop banks from honoring a court order to garnish or seizure exempt stimulus funds.   You must obtain a court order enjoining the bank from seizing your 20:34 Account funds.   You can contact the Southeast Louisiana Legal Services Coronavirus (COVID-1) legal assistance hotline at 1-844-244-7871 to see if we can provide free legal help with this.

If You Will File Bankruptcy, Tell Your Attorney About Your Stimulus Funds

Be sure to tell your attorney if you have exempt stimulus funds in the bank or elsewhere, before you file bankruptcy.   The exempt nature of the stimulus funds must be listed in the bankruptcy schedules, or the bankruptcy trustee may seize them.

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La información proporcionada en este artículo no representa, ni pretende, asesoramiento legal. Toda la información disponible en este sitio es solo con fines informativos generales. Si necesita ayuda legal, debe ponerse en contacto con un abogado. Usted puede ser elegible para nuestros servicios legales gratuitos y puede llamarnos a nuestra línea directa legal de Covid al 1-844-244-7871 o aplicar con nuestra aplicación electrónica aquí.

El aumento federal de $600 dólares para los beneficios de desempleo termina el 25 de Julio. Este documento tiene información de lo que debe tener en mente para su futuro.

Si usted cree que su desempleo acido negado por error o si usted aplico para beneficios y tiene problemas en recibir sus pagos de desempleo, por favor llame al número de Servicios Legales del Sureste de Louisiana COVID-10 línea directa legal, 1-844-244-7871. Es posible que nuestra oficina pueda darle asistencia legal gratuita.

 ¿Cuándo voy a recibir el último pago de mi aumento de $600 dólares en mis beneficios de desempleo?

Julio 25, 2020 será la última semana que usted puede recibir el aumento de $600 dólares.

Todavía estoy esperando en recibir mis beneficios. ¿Puedo recibir los pagos que me debe la agencia por las semanas que no recibí mi aumento semanal de $600?

Si. Esto es posible. Usted puede recibir los pagos que le debe la agencia hasta comenzando con la semana terminando Abril 4, 2020.

Los que están elegibles pueden recibir pagos desde esta fecha, incluyendo los pagos de desempleo próvidos por el estado. Esto depende también de su caso.

¿Qué otros tipos de asistencia puedo recibir?

Con el aumento federal de $600 dólares terminando al final de Julio, muchas familias estarán buscando diferentes formas de ingresos para sus hogares. Usted puede ser elegible en recibir beneficios o asistencia de estos programas adicionales:

  • SNAP (Asistencia de Estampías para Comida): Para más información puede visitar la página de web aquí. (en inglés) También hay más información de los requisitos para ser elegible para este programa aquí.


  • Otra asistencia para comida: Usted también puede encontrar otros programas para asistencia de comida o información de cómo pagar gastos de comida aquí. (en inglés)


  • Asistencia adicional para sus servicios públicos: Usted puede estar elegible en recibir asistencia con sus pagos de servicios públicos y otras utilidades. Para más información de estos programas, lo puede encontrar aquí.

Para más información de otros programas en la ciudad de New Orleans, usted puede visitar la página de web de la ciudad aquí.


La información proporcionada en este artículo no representa, ni pretende, asesoramiento legal. Toda la información disponible en este sitio es solo con fines informativos generales. Si necesita ayuda legal, debe ponerse en contacto con un abogado. Usted puede ser elegible para nuestros servicios legales gratuitos y puede llamarnos a nuestra línea directa legal de Covid al 1-844-244-7871 o aplicar con nuestra aplicación electrónica aquí.

Actual a partir de Julio 7, 2020

El aumento de $600 en asistencia federal para los beneficios de desempleo va a terminar en Julio 25. Muchas familias buscaran ingresos adicionales durante este tiempo. Este documento puedo ayudarlo decidir si usted será elegible en recibir asistencia de estampías para comida, (conocido como SNAP en inglés).

Muchos grupos de gente no van a necesitar aplicar para asistencia de estampías para comida, (SNAP), porque estarán elegible automáticamente. Esta información es para identificar los grupos que se encuentran inelegible en este momento. Alguna gente será inelegible y el programa es complicado. Si usted cree que fue negado por error, por favor llame al número de Servicios Legales del Sureste de Louisiana COVID-10 línea directa legal, 1-844-244-7871. Es posible que nuestra oficina pueda darle asistencia legal gratuita.

En desastres pasados, más gente recibió asistencia de estampías para comida, (SNAP), por la existencia de otras reglas especiales. Gente tenía que aplicar para estampías en eventos especiales. Para la crisis de COVID-19 no hay asistencia por desastre para estampías de comida, (conocido como Disaster SNAP en inglés). Sin embargo las reglas normales para esta asistencia son las que aplican durante esta crisis. Pero es posible que más personas serán elegibles en recibir esta asistencia por el número de personas sin trabajo.

Tenga en mente lo siguiente si usted decide aplicar para asistencia de estampías para comida, (SNAP). Usted puede ser inelegible en recibir esta asistencia si no cumple con estos requisitos.

¿Usted vive en Louisiana?

  • Usted tiene que vivir en el estado de Louisiana para recibir la asistencia de estampías para comida, (SNAP).

¿Tiene un número de Seguro Social?

  • Todos los miembros del hogar deben proveer o aplicar para un número de seguro social para que cada miembro este certificado en recibir asistencia de estampías para comida, (SNAP).


¿Si todos los miembros del hogar son menores de 60 años y nadie recibe beneficios de deseabilidad proveídos por el gobierno, será  demasiado el ingreso de este mes para todos los que viven en el hogar?

  • Si esta es su situación, su hogar será inelegible en recibir asistencia de estampías para comida, (SNAP)

*Si en su hogar hay otras familias que viven con usted y en están debajo su responsabilidad, usted tiene que contarlos como miembros de su hogar aunque no coman con usted.

Pero hay ingresos de dinero que no cuentan en esta calculación.

  • El cheque de proveído por el gobierno conocido como el “Estimulo de 2020.” (Este cheque fue hecho de un aumento de $1200 por cada adulto en el hogar y $500 para algunos niños en su hogar.)
  • Cualquier aumento que recibió como devolución de impuestos.
  • Los ingresos ganados por cualquier estudiante en la primaria o en la secundaria si están debajo su responsabilidad.
  • Otros tipos de ingreso también no cuentan. Si tiene una situación especial, llame al número de Servicios Legales del Sureste de Louisiana COVID-10. La línea directa es 1-844-244-7871.

¿Hay un miembro de su hogar bajo esta categoría?

  • Descalificado del programa SNAP por una “Violación Intencional del Programa,”
  • Descalificado por no cumplir con los requisitos de registro de su trabajo,
  • Descalificado por no proporcional o solicitar un número de seguro social,
  • Un extranjero inelegible,
  • Un estudiante inelegible o
  • Un individuo en huelga.

Las personas que están en esta lista son inelegibles en recibir ayuda si:

  • Los activos totales del hogar son más de $3,500 y hay una persona con 60 años de edad o mayor o si recibe beneficios de deseabilidad o
  • Los activos totales del hogar son más de $2250 y no hay nadie en el hogar con 60 años de edad o más y recibe beneficios de deseabilidad.

Cuentas de banco, dinero efectivo, certificados de depósitos (CDs), acciones en el mercado de valores, propiedad, bonos y cualquier tipo de activos son contados. Lo que no se cuenta es:

  • La casa donde usted vive.
  • El vehículo que usa para transportación
  • Diferentes tipos de planes de retiro y algunos planes de retiro para trabajadores en compañías privadas o parte del gobierno.

Hay algunos tipos de recursos que no se cuentan. Si tiene una situación especial, llame al número de Servicios Legales del Sureste de Louisiana COVID-10. La línea directa es 1-844-244-7871.

¿Hay miembros en su hogar que no son extranjeros elegibles de los Estados Unidos o que no sean ciudadanos Americanos como proveído por la agencia de USCIS?

Solo ciudadanos y algunos extranjeros son elegibles para los beneficios de SNAP. Si solo hay algunos miembros en el hogar que son ciudadanos, la aplicación solo debe incluir a esas personas.

Para cualificar para SNAP, Residentes permanentes debe haber tenido su tarjeta de residencia por lo menos 5 años. Hay algunas excepciones y son:

  • Que el Residente Permanente tenga 18 años o menos años de edad,
  • Que el Residente Permanente tenga una deseabilidad severa,
  • Que el Residente Permanente tenga un historial de trabajo,
  • O si el Residente Permanente tenía estatus humanitario anterior como refugiado o asilado.

Inmigrantes que son adultos y no son elegibles en recibir SNAP todavía pueden aplicar para sus hijos o miembros de hogar que sean ciudadanos Americanos. Pero es importante que solo estos niños sean contados como miembros de la familia.

¿Si aplico por SNAP, puede esta aplicación de beneficios afectar mi ciudadanía?






Current as of July 15, 2020.


The federal $600 increase in Unemployment benefits will end July 25. This document outlines some important things to keep in mind.

If you believe your Unemployment claim has been denied in error, or if you have filed a claim and are experiencing delays in receiving your benefits, please feel free to call Southeast Louisiana Legal Services Covid-19 Legal Hotline at 1-844-244-7871. We may be able to provide free legal assistance.

When will I get my final $600 federal unemployment increase?

July 25 will be the last day the $600 will be added to your unemployment benefits.

I'm still waiting on my benefits. Can I get back-pay for any $600 I missed after it ends?

Yes, the $600 is retroactive to the week ending April 4, 2020.

Eligible individuals may be able to receive back-payments for the $600 weekly federal unemployment benefits, in addition to their state benefits, based on their date of eligibility.

What other types of assistance are available?

With the federal $600 increase in Unemployment ending, many families will find themselves needing to look for more income. You may be eligible for some of these and other programs.

SNAP (Food Stamps): For information on SNAP, you can visit To get some details about who is eligible check here.

Other Food Assistance: You can find information on programs that can help you get or pay for food here.

Utilities Assistance: You may be eligible for certain programs that will provide assistance for your utility bills. Information on some of these programs can be found here.


Information on other assistance programs for New Orleans residents can be found at

La información proporcionada en este artículo no representa, ni pretende, asesoramiento legal. Toda la información disponible en este sitio es solo con fines informativos generales. Si necesita ayuda legal, debe ponerse en contacto con un abogado. Usted puede ser elegible para nuestros servicios legales gratuitos y puede llamarnos a nuestra línea directa legal de Covid al 1-844-244-7871 o aplicar con nuestra aplicación electrónica aquí.

Actual desde Julio 9, 2020

¿Pueden cortar mis servicios públicos?

Si. Si usted esta atrasado con sus pagos, sus utilidades pueden ser desconectadas. Usted debería de arreglar un plan de pago con su proveedor de servicios públicos y obtener que este plan sea escrito. Cuando esté listo, asegurase que sus pagos estén a tiempo para evitar una interrupción.

Si usted vive en una ciudad que no sea Baton Rouge o New Orleans, sus utilidades pueden estar desconectadas al partir de Julio 16, 2020. Las ciudades de New Orleans, Baton Rouge y empresas de propiedad pública para utilidades, (como el sistema de agua), tienen sus propias reglas.

Si usted está atrasado con sus pagos de servicios públicos, su proveedor de servicios debe contactarlo para construir un plan de pago razonable. Por favor ponga atención, si su proveedor no puede contactarlo, usted todavía estará responsable por cualquier pago atrasado y tendrá sus utilidades desconectadas.

Es importante notar, que su proveedor no puedo cobrarle impuestos de interés por pagos atrasados para las fechas comenzando desde Marzo 20, 2020 hasta Julio 16, 2020. Su proveedor está prohibido en reportar su nombre por estos retrasos.

Si usted vive en Nueva Orleans, se le puede cortar el agua por falta de pago a partir de Julio 20, 2020 y su electricidad se puede cortar por falta de pago a partir de August 1. Tenga en cuenta que las medidas enumeradas anteriormente, en particular sobre los cargos por pagos atrasados, intereses e informes negativos de crédito , no se han establecido para Nueva Orleans en este momento.

¿Qué puedo hacer si no puedo pagar mi factura de servicios públicos por que perdí mi ingreso durante la crisis de COVID-19?

Usted puede ser elegible en recibir asistencia por sus servicios públicos con el programa de asistencia federal para hogares de bajos ingresos conocido como, LIHEAP (en inglés, Low-Income Home Energy Assistance Program). También hay otros programas locales que puedan asistir.

Elegibilidad de estos servicios serán basados por su ingreso de hogar y tendrá que proveer lo siguiente:

  • Copias recientes de sus facturas de servicios públicos.
  • Las últimas cuatro copias consecutivas de los cheques de empleo para cada miembro de su hogar.
  • Pruebas de todos sus ingresos proveídos por asistencia federal y local en su estado.
  • Copia de la notificación que sus utilidades fueron desconectadas (si recibió una carta o mensaje con esta notificación).
  • Una prueba que indica que usted vive en la dirección de su hogar. (Como un recibo de renta o un acuerdo escrito con el dueño de su hogar).
  • Una copia de su licencia y copias de su tarjeta de seguro social.
  • Prueba de todos los miembros que viven en su hogar y las copias de todas sus tarjetas de seguro social.
  • Otra información puede ser requerido.

Asistencia no está garantizado. Para más información, incluyendo de donde usted puede aplicar, usted lo puede encontrar aquí.

Asistencia adicional también puede estar disponible con este programa para los que se encuentran con dificultad en pagar sus servicios públicos por la crisis de COVID-19. Los que se encuentran elegibles para estos servicios reciben un beneficio de $600 para pagos de electricidad.

Para aplicar, contacte a su agencia de acción comunitaria local. Usted puede encontrar una lista de agencias locales aquí. Pero tendrá que proveer lo siguiente:

  • Una copia de sus facturas de electricidad por un mes (que no sea de hace seis meses atrás).
  • Las últimas cuatro copias consecutivas de los cheques de empleo para cada miembro de su hogar.
  • Pruebas de todos sus ingresos proveídos por asistencia federal y local en su estado.
  • Una prueba que indica que usted vive en la dirección de su hogar. (Como un recibo de renta o un acuerdo escrito con el dueño de su hogar).
  • Una copia de su licencia y copias de su tarjeta de seguro social.
  • Prueba de todos los miembros que viven en su hogar y las copias de todas sus tarjetas de seguro social.

Si vive en New Orleans y perdió su trabajo después de Marzo 16, 2020, usted puede ser elegible para asistencia con su pago de electricidad por Entergy con el programa llamado City Council Cares (CCC). Pero para ser elegible necesita ser un residente de la ciudad de New Orleans.

Cada persona que sea elegible para este programa tendrá un crédito de 100 dólares por 4 meses.

Usted será elegible si tiene lo siguiente:

  • Si es un cliente de la compañía de electricidad Entergy.
  • Si tiene un servicio de electricidad o gas activo con la compañía Entergy.
  • Si tiene pruebas que ha recibido ingreses de desempleo por le agencia de comisión laboral, conocido como el LWC (Louisiana Workforce Commision). Es importante que la dirección de su hogar sea la misma que proveo a la agencia LWC y donde necesita servicios públicos. El documento que provee su elegibilidad para beneficios de desempleo también tiene que ser proveído en Marzo 16, 2020 o una fecha después.

Usted puede aplicar por esta asistencia con mandar el texto “CCC” al número 69516. También puede llamar al número (504) 493-7004, o puede aplicar en la página de web aquí.

Esta asistencia no está garantizada y solo estará disponible a los primeros en aplicar.

Residentes de New Orleans también pueden obtener un plan de repago para su facturas atrasadas de servicios de agua con el sistema de agua y alcantarillado, conocido como el Sewerage and Water Board. Solo tiene que llamar al número 504-529-2837. Puede encontrar más información de estos planes aquí.

Para información de otros programas de asistencia para residentes de la ciudad de New Orleans puede ser encontrado en esta página de web,


The information provided on this post does not, and is not intended to, represent legal advice. All information available on this site is for general informational purposes only. If you need legal help, you should contact a lawyer. You may be eligible for our free legal services and can apply by calling our Covid Legal Hotline at 1-844-244-7871 or applying online here.

Updated July 9, 2020.

Can my utilities be cut off?

Yes. If you are behind on your payments, your utilities may be disconnected. You should try to work out a payment plan with your utilities provider and get any payment plan in writing. Once you are able to, be sure to pay your utility bills on time to avoid a disruption in service.

If you live outside of Baton Rouge or New Orleans, your utilities can be cut off for nonpayment beginning July 16. New Orleans, Baton Rouge, and publicly owned utilities (such as many water systems) make their own rules.

If you are behind on your utility bills, your provider should be contacting you to establish a reasonable repayment plan. Please note, if your utilities provider is unable to get in contact with you, you will still be responsible for the past-due amount and your utilities may still be disconnected.

Your utilities provider cannot charge you late fees or interest for bills that were unpaid from March 20, 2020 through July 16, 2020. Your provider is also prohibited from making negative credit reports for these unpaid balances.

If you live in New Orleans, your water can be cut off for nonpayment beginning July 20 and your power can be cut off for nonpayment beginning August 1. Please note that the measures listed above, particularly about late fees, interest, and negative credit reporting, have not been established for New Orleans at this time.

I cannot pay my utility bills because I lost income during the Covid-19 crisis. What can I do?

You may be eligible for bill payment assistance through the federally-funded program, Low-Income Home Energy Assistance Program (LIHEAP), or other local programs.

Eligibility is based on your household income and you will need to provide:

  • Recent copies of your utility bills
  • The last four consecutive copies of check stubs for employed household members
  • Proof of unearned income (Social Security, Unemployment Insurance, Pension Funds, Disability, etc.)
  • Disconnect notice (if you received a shut-off notice from your energy company)
  • Proof of present address (rent receipt, lease or deed, etc.)
  • Driver’s license or picture ID of head of household and (his/ her) Social Security card
  • Proof of total members living in your household and their Social Security cards
  • Additional information may be required

Assistance is not guaranteed. More information on the program, including where to apply, can be found here.

Additional assistance may also be available through this program for those who are experiencing difficulty paying their utility bills due to Covid-19. Eligible applicants will receive a $600 benefit for their heating and cooling bills.

To apply, contact your local community action agency. You can find a list of local agencies here. You will also need to provide:

  • A copy of your heating and cooling bills for one month (not older than six months)
  • Last four consecutive copies of check stubs for employed household members
  • Proof of unearned income (Social Security, unemployment insurance, pension funds, disability, etc.)
  • Proof of present address (rent receipt, lease or deed, etc.)
  • Driver’s license or picture ID of the head of household and Social Security card
  • Proof of total members living in your household and their Social Security cards

If you live in New Orleans and became unemployed after March 16, 2020, you may be eligible for payment assistance for your Entergy bill through the City Council Cares (CCC) Program. You must be an Entergy New Orleans residential customer.

Applicants that are approved for the CCC credit will receive a $100 per month credit for 4 months on their Entergy New Orleans bill for a total credit of $400.

You may be eligible for assistance if you:

  • Are an Entergy New Orleans customer
  • Have an active Entergy New Orleans electric or electric and gas combination account
  • Have proof of unemployment benefits, as provided by the Louisiana Workforce Commission *The address on your benefits must match the address on the Entergy New Orleans account service address and the benefit document must be dated March 16, 2020 or after.

You can apply for the New Orleans assistance by texting “CCC” to 69516, calling (504) 493-7004, or by applying online here.

Assistance is not guaranteed and will be issued on a first-come, first-served basis.

New Orleans residents may also be able to set up a repayment plan for their unpaid water bills with the Sewerage and Water Board by calling 504-529-2837. You can find more information on the Customer Care Pay Plan here.

Information on other bill assistance programs for New Orleans residents can be found at

The information provided on this post does not, and is not intended to, represent legal advice. All information available on this site is for general informational purposes only. If you need legal help, you should contact a lawyer. You may be eligible for our free legal services and can apply by calling our Covid Legal Hotline at 1-844-244-7871 or applying online here.

Current as of July 7, 2020

The federal $600 increase in Unemployment benefits will end July 25. Many families will find themselves needing to look for more income. This document can help you decide whether you might be eligible for SNAP (formerly food stamps).

Some groups of people need not apply for SNAP, because they will be found ineligible. This piece is meant to identify the largest groups of people who are ineligible. Some other people are ineligible, and the program can be complicated. If you believe you have been denied in error, please feel free to call Southeast Louisiana Legal Services Covid-19 Legal Hotline at 1-844-244-7871. We may be able to give you free legal assistance.

For past disasters, more people got SNAP because of special rules (called Disaster SNAP). People had to apply for the Disaster SNAP at big special events. Disaster SNAP is not in place for the Covid crisis. Instead most normal SNAP rules (except for asset limits) apply. But more people will qualify because so many have lost their jobs.

Keep the following in mind in deciding whether to apply for SNAP, as you may be deemed ineligible if you do not meet these and other requirements.

Do you live in Louisiana?

You have to live in Louisiana to get SNAP in Louisiana.

Do you have a social security number?

All household members must provide or apply for Social Security numbers for each member who will be certified.

If all household members are under age 60 and no one receives certain government disability benefits, will this month’s income for all who eat and live together* be over these amounts? If so, you are ineligible.

*If in your home, spouses, their adult children under age 22, and any children under age 18 under a household member’s control have to be as counted as eating with you even if they are not.

But some money does not count against those limits:

  • The 2020 Stimulus one time checks (usually $1200 per adult, $500 for some children)
  • Tax refunds, including Earned Income Tax credits
  • The earned income of any elementary or high school student under age 18 under the parental control of an adult in the household
  • Some other types are exempt. If you have an unusual kind of income, call the Southeast Louisiana Legal Services Covid-19 Legal Hotline at 1-844-244-7871, to see if we can provide free assistance or advice.

Is someone in your household in one of these categories?

  • Disqualified from SNAP for an “Intentional Program Violation”
  • Disqualified for failing to comply with work registration requirements
  • Disqualified for failure to provide or apply for a social security number
  • An ineligible alien,
  • An ineligible student, or
  • An individual who is on strike

The people or households in that list are ineligible if:

  • Total assets are over $3500 and there is someone age 60 or older or a receiving certain government disability benefits OR
  • Total assets are over $2250 if no one is over 60 or receiving disability.

Bank account, cash, certificate of deposit (CDs), stocks, bonds, property and almost all types of assets are counted. Not counted:

  • the home you live in
  • one vehicle used for transportation.
  • 401Ks 403(a)&(b), IRAs, Roth IRAs, and some eligible private and state employee retirement pensions or annuities.

Some other types of resources are exempt. If you have an unusual resource, we may be able to help. To apply, call the Southeast Louisiana Legal Services Covid-19 Legal Hotline at 1-844-244-7871.

Are no members of your household citizens or “qualified aliens” legally in the United States according to the USCIS?

Only citizens and certain “qualified aliens” are eligible for SNAP. If only some members of a household are citizens, an application must only list them.

To qualify for SNAP, Lawful Permanent Residents (LPRs) typically must have Green Card status for 5 years unless:

  • they are a child under 18
  • have a severe disability
  • have work history
  • or had earlier humanitarian status such as refugee or asylee.

Adult immigrants who would otherwise be ineligible may be able to get SNAP on behalf of eligible household members, such as children who are U.S. citizens. Only the children are to be included on the application.

Will receiving SNAP benefits affect my application for citizenship?

What to know if you have a Green Card:

What to know if you do not have a Green Card:

Undocumented individuals should not apply for SNAP.

The information provided on this post does not, and is not intended to, represent legal advice. All information available on this site is for general informational purposes only. If you need legal help, you should contact a lawyer. You may be eligible for our free legal services and can apply by calling our Covid Legal Hotline at 1-844-244-7871 or applying online here.

Updated 10/7/2020

The information provided on this post does not, and is not intended to, represent legal advice. All information available on this site is for general informational purposes only. If you need legal help, you should contact a lawyer. You may be eligible for our free legal services and can apply by calling our Covid Legal Hotline at 1-844-244-7871 or applying online here.

Updated December 30, 2020.

What months are Food Stamps (SNAP) increased for most households during the Covid crisis?

So far the state agency has increased SNAP benefits for March 2020 through January 2021. If the Covid crisis continues the amount may increase for more months. This is a month by month decision between the state and federal governments and does not depend on the “Stay at Home order.”

How much is the Louisiana SNAP benefit increase for these months?

Everyone in Louisiana who receives SNAP benefits for these months will get the maximum amount for their household size. This includes households that were already receiving benefits and households newly approved for SNAP benefits. But you only get it for the months you are receiving SNAP for.

These maximum amounts are:

Number of people on your SNAP Household Maximum SNAP benefits
1 $194
2 $355
3 $509
4 $646
5 $768
6 $921
7 $1048
8 $1164
Each Additional Member $146 extra

For example, for a household of 8 that usually gets $300 in SNAP benefits each month: The maximum benefit for a family of 8 is $1164. The difference ($1164 minus $300 = $864) is the supplement. The supplement ($864) has been or will be automatically added to the household’s SNAP card.

For a 1-person household who usually gets $50 in SNAP benefits each month: The maximum benefit for a 1-person household is $194. The difference ($194 minus $50 = $144) is the supplement. The supplement ($144) has been or will be automatically added to their SNAP card.

Households certified in April will automatically get the amounts listed above instead of a smaller regular SNAP benefit amount.

What do I need to do to get my increased SNAP benefits?

You do not need to do anything. Your benefits will increase automatically. You do not need to call the agency to confirm this. It will not help, and agency lines are very busy with people trying to apply for SNAP because so many people are losing their jobs.

When will I get my extra SNAP benefits?

You will receive your regular benefit amount on your regular assistance date (the 1st – 14th of the month). You will receive your January supplement during the week of January 8.

Households that are newly approved for SNAP benefits in a month will get their regular amount first and then their supplement about a week later.

What will happen to my SNAP benefits after January 2021?

The State of Louisiana can increase SNAP benefits for additional months if we are still in the Covid crisis. It would need to file papers with the federal government before doing so.

If they don't, the amount that each household receives will be based on household income, like it was before the Covid crisis (February 2020 and earlier).

You can come back to this page in February to see if there is any news about SNAP benefit increases for February 2021 or the months after that.

For more information, please see

The information provided on this post does not, and is not intended to, represent legal advice. All information available on this site is for general informational purposes only. If you need legal help, you should contact a lawyer. You may be eligible for our free legal services and can apply by calling our Covid Legal Hotline at 1-844-244-7871 or applying online here.


Updated October 7, 2020


*Important Deadline to Note:

If you are eligible to use the non-filer portal, the deadline to claim your stimulus payment has been extended until November 21, 2020. The non-filer portal is designed for people with incomes typically below $24,400 for married couples, and $12,200 for singles who could not be claimed as a dependent by someone else.

What can go wrong?

1.  DO NOT USE NONFILER PORTAL IF YOU FILED TAXES IN 2018 OR 2019. This may cause problems with the IRS and may delay your check.

2. AVOID SCAMS: There are many scammers out there trying to take people’s Stimulus checks. Some people may phone you, promising your Stimulus check, trying to get your bank account or debit card information or other things they can use to steal your money. Government agencies will never call you about the Stimulus checks. Never give bank, debit card, or Social Security information to anyone who calls you.

THAT HAS A GARNISHMENT ORDER AGAINST IT. After a court judgment that someone owes a debt, the court can order the money can be taken from the debtor’s bank account. SSI money cannot be taken even if there is an order like this. But the stimulus money can be taken. Be sure not to give the IRS deposit information for an account of yours or someone else’s that is being “garnished.” If your account is garnished, you may want to wait much longer to get a paper check.

4. Some SSDI beneficiaries may need to file taxes; in limited circumstances they are considered taxable.

DO NOT PAY ANYONE TO HELP YOU GET THE STIMULUS CHECK. This could take most of your money (or even all of it). As noted above, there are free ways to do what you need on the IRS website, and a free organization to help.


A new phone number was created for Economic Impact Payments. Taxpayers can call 800-919-9835, between the hours of 7:00 AM and 7:00 PM local time, with questions related to the payment. Taxpayers may also refer to tax relief and economic impact payments for additional information.


Southeast Louisiana Legal Services is a nonprofit law firm whose mission is to achieve justice for low-income people in Louisiana by enforcing and defending their legal rights through civil legal aid, advocacy, and community education. We provide free legal help to low-income people in a variety of civil legal matters including divorce, custody, tax, consumer, foreclosure, bankruptcy, unemployment benefits, housing, public benefits, and more.

You can find more information at

Adult SSI recipients and the Stimulus Money

The information provided on this post does not, and is not intended to, represent legal advice. All information available on this site is for general informational purposes only. If you need legal help, you should contact a lawyer. You may be eligible for our free legal services and can apply by calling our Covid Legal Hotline at 1-844-244-7871 or applying online here.

Last updated May 19, 2020. This is a quickly changing situation. Please check back for details.

Can I apply for Disaster Food Stamps (DSNAP)?

No. While DSNAP was provided after previous federal disaster declarations, it has not been provided for this one. Instead changes have been made to regular SNAP.

I already receive SNAP benefits. What do I need to know about changes DCFS made in response to COVID-19?

I don’t have SNAP (food stamps) benefits yet. How do I apply?

The Louisiana Department of Child and Family Services (DCFS) offices are closed to the public but workers are still working and processing applications. You cannot apply in person.

There are still two ways you can apply:

Submit any proof that you have on hand with your application. If you do not have a copier, you can take pictures of your documents on your phone and upload the pictures to your application. (more information on this below)

But if you do not have some, or even all, of the proof, file your application without it. The amount of money you get is based on your application date. So do not wait to file.

DCFS Economic Stability
P.O. Box 260031
Baton Rouge, LA 70826

Or, fax it to (225) 663-3164.

I can’t apply online and I can’t get through the phone lines to give them my application.

If you cannot submit your application online for some reason and cannot download a paper application, contact DCFS at 1-888-524-3578 or email them at If you still cannot submit your application, you can call Southeast Louisiana Legal Services COVID-19 Hotline at 1-844-244-7871 to apply for free legal help.

What proof do I need to submit? And when do I need to submit it?

You need to give DCFS proof that you qualify for SNAP benefits. You can get your SNAP benefits faster if you turn the proof in at the same time you turn in your application.

But, if you don’t have the proof they need or don’t have a way to send the proof with your application, you can turn in your application first and then turn in the proof later. DCFS will contact you to let you know what proof you still need and will help you figure out a way to submit it. If you cannot get the proof, ask your DCFS worker for help. By law, the worker must try to help you if you ask. Make sure you keep copies of anything that you turn in. If you cannot get to a copy machine, you can also take pictures of proof on your phone.


You must prove the identity of the person who is turning in the application. This is the most important proof for you to give DCFS. You should turn it in with your application if you can. You cannot get benefits before you prove your identity.

Here are some things you can turn in to prove your identity. You only need one:

Other Proof

Here is a list of the other things you need to prove and what things you can use to prove them.

Note that some people can start getting their benefits before they turn in all of this proof. But you will need to turn them in later to keep getting benefits.


Social Security Number for all who will be receiving SNAP Copy of Social Security card or

Papers received at the hospital for a newborn

Alien status If not a US citizen, forms or cards from USCIS.

If someone who lives with you does not have legal residency in the US, you can choose not to include them in your SNAP application. Then you will not need to provide this information.

If someone has a green card, applying for SNAP benefits is NOT a factor the government will use for deciding whether to approve a citizenship application.

Earned income, if you have any Last four pay check stubs or employer statements for each person who works
Self-Employment, if you have any Income tax returns, sales records, quarterly tax records, personal wage record
Other income, if you have any: This could include child support, alimony, Social Security, SSI, VA, retirement checks, Unemployment Compensation Award letters

Court orders

Statements from contributors

Proof income stopped within the last 3 months Pink slip

Termination notice

Statement from former employer

Statement from any source of income saying that the income has ended

Medical expenses Receipts

Pharmacy printouts from the last 3 months

Doctor bills

Child support payments to someone outside your home Court order or other legal papers and proof that you are making payments – like cancelled checks or wage withholding statements

What happens next?


You can also find information about EBT cards at


Tips for getting SNAP benefits quickly

How quickly can I get SNAP benefits?

Because of COVID-19, DCFS has received a large number of applications for benefits recently. So, there are delays for getting applications approved. However, by law, your food stamp application by law must be decided in 30 days, unless you have not turned in the needed proof.

Do I have to register for work to get SNAP benefits right now?

Most likely. Many of the people in Louisiana who receive SNAP benefits have to register for work. If you cannot work because you have physical or mental conditions that make you unfit for work, you should let your DCFS caseworker know.

Where can I get food while I’m waiting for DCFS to make its decision?

While you are waiting for DCFS to approve your SNAP application, you might be able to get food from a food pantry and other programs in our community. Read for more information.

How much will I get in SNAP benefits?

It depends. The amount you get is usually based on your household size, your income, and expenses. If you receive benefits for the month of April or May, you will get the full amount for your household size without any deductions. See for more information.

What if DCFS denies my application or cuts off my benefits?

You have a right to appeal DCFS’s decision. You can request a SNAP fair hearing by phone or in writing to your caseworker. Include your Name and Case/CAFÉ number (or SSN if case number is unknown) on your document.

DCFS Economic Stability

P.O. Box 260031

Baton Rouge, LA 70826

By Fax:  225-663-3164

If DCFS denies your application, reduces, or cuts off your benefits and you disagree with DCFS’s decision, you can call Southeast Louisiana Legal Services COVID-19 Hotline at 1-844-244-7871 to apply for free legal help.

For more information:

You can find more information about Louisiana SNAP at

For more information about DCFS’s response to COVID-19, visit