La información proporcionada en esta publicación no representa, y no pretende, un asesoramiento legal. Toda la información disponible en este sitio es información general. Si necesita ayuda legal, debe comunicarse con un abogado. Usted puede ser elegible para nuestros servicios legales. Nuestros servicios son gratuitos. Usted puede solicitar nuestros servicios con llamar nuestra línea directa de asistencia legal por desastre al 1-844-244-7871 o por nuestra aplicación electrónica.

Hable con la compañía de agua o energía si se retrasa en su factura.

No ignore las facturas impagas.

Las facturas impagas pueden llevar a cortes.

¿Qué pasa si no puedo pagar mi factura de Entergy?

Primero - póngase en contacto con Entergy.

Hay información en línea sobre la asistencia de pago de Entergy aquí/here.

También puede llamar a Entergy al 1-800-ENTERGY (1-800-368-3749)

Tienes algunas opciones de pago de Entergy:

  • Vea si califica para una extensión de pago.
  • Vea si califica para un plan de pago diferido.
  • Vea si un plan de facturación nivelado funciona de usted. Ese plan mantiene sus facturas mensuales iguales durante 12 meses.
  • Vea si califica para el Programa Power to Care. Comuníquese con el Consejo de Nueva Orleans sobre el Envejecimiento al (504) 821-4121.

¿Cómo solicito obtener dinero para ayudar a pagar estas facturas?

LIHEAP (el Programa de Asistencia de Energía para Hogares de Bajos Ingresos) tiene dinero federal para ayudar a las personas a pagar las facturas de energía y otros gastos relacionados con la energía.

Total Community Action (TCA) conecta a las personas con la ayuda de LIHEAP.

Para ver si califica para LIHEAP, llame a TCA.

(504) 324-8609.

También puede utilizar el sitio web de TCA aquí/ here.

¿Qué pasa si no puedo pagar mi factura de alcantarillado y agua?

Primero, comuníquese con la Junta de Alcantarillado y Agua (SWB).

SWB tiene información en línea sobre la ayuda con los pagos aquí.

También puede llamar a SWB.

(504) 529-2837

Vea si califica para el Programa de Ayuda de Agua / Asistencia de Plomería de la Junta de Alcantarillado y Agua.

El programa ayuda a los clientes ancianos, discapacitados y de bajos ingresos a pagar sus facturas de agua y hacer reparaciones menores de plomería.

Total Community Action (TCA) conecta a las personas con la ayuda de este programa.

Usted presenta su solicitud en persona en:

Acción comunitaria total

1424 South Jefferson Davis Parkway

Nueva Orleans, LA 70125

(504) 324-8609

Para obtener esto:

  1. Usted debe vivir en la parroquia de Orleans.
  2. Debe tener al menos 62 años de edad, o estar discapacitado, de acuerdo con el Seguro Social, la Administración de Veteranos u otra agencia enumerada.
  3. Los ingresos de los hogares deben estar bajo las pautas de nivel de pobreza para el área.
  4. El medidor de agua debe servir solo para una unidad.
  5. Su cuenta no debe estar en estado de disputa.

Traiga lo siguiente para aplicar:

  1. Prueba de edad (licencia de conducir, certificado de nacimiento u otro documento auténtico).
  2. Prueba de discapacidad física si es menor de 62 años.
  3. Comprobante de ingresos (carta de adjudicación o cuatro talones de cheques seguidos).
  4. Estado de cuenta que muestre que usted es el cliente registrado y que su cuenta está activa.

Para obtener más información, puede llamar a TCA: (504) 324-8609.

Otras opciones para su factura SWB.

Pregúntele a la Junta de Alcantarillado y Agua sobre un plan de "Arreglo de pago".

Puede calificar para un plan de pago para ayudar a pagar su factura.

El plan le permitirá pagar lo que debe durante varios meses.

Otra ayuda para pagar las facturas de agua y electricidad.

La Ciudad de Nueva Orleans puede ayudar a los inquilinos cuyos ingresos cayeron debido al COVID. La Oficina de Política de Vivienda y Desarrollo Comunitario de Nueva Orleans dirige este programa de ayuda.

Hay algunos pasos para calificar.

Debe haber sido aprobado antes para este tipo de ayuda. Esa aprobación habría sido para el programa de Asistencia de Alquiler de Emergencia de Nueva Orleans ("ERA").

Debe tener facturas de servicios públicos vencidas. Esas facturas vencidas solo pueden remontarse hasta el 13 de marzo de 2020.

Verifique si califica. Vaya a esta página o aquí para solicitar en línea:

Caridades Católicas de Nueva Orleans - Utility Aid

Llame al (504) 523-3755.

Sitio web:

Departamento de Servicios Humanos de la Ciudad de Nueva Orleans (anteriormente City Welfare)

Ayuntamiento de Nueva Orleans

Habitación 1W30

Nueva Orleans, LA 70112

(504) 658-3310

Consejo Parroquial de Orleans sobre el Envejecimiento (COA)

2475 Canal Street (4º piso)

Nueva Orleans, LA 70119

(504) 821-4121

La información proporcionada en esta publicación no representa, y no pretende, un asesoramiento legal. Toda la información disponible en este sitio es información general. Si necesita ayuda legal, debe comunicarse con un abogado. Usted puede ser elegible para nuestros servicios legales. Nuestros servicios son gratuitos. Usted puede solicitar nuestros servicios con llamar nuestra línea directa de asistencia legal por desastre al 1-844-244-7871 o por nuestra aplicación electrónica.

¿Qué cargos de tarjeta de crédito puedo disputar?

Si alguna de las cosas a continuación le sucedió, una ley federal llamada Ley de Facturación de Crédito Justo (FCBA) puede ayudarlo.

  • ¿Compraste algo con tarjeta de crédito y no lo conseguiste?
  • ¿Lo que recibiste no fue lo que ordenaste?
  • ¿Se le ha cobrado dos veces por el mismo artículo?

¿Qué cargos están cubiertos por la Ley de Crédito de Facturación Justa?

La Ley de Crédito de Facturación Justa (FCBA) se aplica a las tarjetas de crédito y cuentas sin un tiempo establecido para pagar la cantidad total que debe.

Esto se llama una cuenta de crédito "abierta". Las tarjetas de crédito y las cuentas de cargo rotativas como las cuentas de grandes almacenes son cuentas abiertas.

La Ley de Crédito de Facturación Justa cubre estos. No cubre los préstamos a plazos.

Un "préstamo a plazos" tiene un cronograma de pagos específico, generalmente pagando la misma cantidad cada mes.

Estos pagos programados generalmente se usan para cosas como automóviles, hogares, muebles, electrodomésticos importantes y "pagarés" (como préstamos bancarios).

¿Qué hace la ley?

La FCBA cubre disputas sobre algunos "errores de facturación":

  • La factura tiene cargos que usted no hizo o dejó que otra persona hiciera. (La ley federal limita su responsabilidad por cargos no autorizados a $50).
  • La factura tiene la fecha o el monto incorrectos.
  • Se le facturó por cosas que no aceptó o que no se entregaron según lo acordado.
  • Facturas con errores matemáticos.
  • Facturas que no registraron sus pagos correctamente o le dan crédito para las devoluciones.
  • Facturas que fueron a la dirección equivocada. Esto solo se aplica si la compañía de la tarjeta de crédito tiene un aviso por escrito de su dirección correcta al menos 20 días antes del final del período de facturación.
  • No se le dio una explicación solicitada después de solicitar una aclaración.
  • No se le dio un comprobante de compra por escrito después de reclamar el error.

¿Cómo uso la ley?

  • Escriba una carta a la dirección en su estado de cuenta para "consultas de facturación".
  • Por lo general, esta no es la dirección a la que envía los pagos.
  • Incluya su nombre, dirección, número de cuenta y una descripción del error de facturación.
  • Aquí hay un ejemplo de carta de la FTC (Comisión Federal de Comercio).
  • Envíe su carta por correo para que llegue a la dirección dentro de los 60 días posteriores a la primera factura con el error que se le envió por correo.
  • Es una buena idea enviar su carta por correo certificado u otro servicio de oficina de correos que utilice el seguimiento sobre el que puede obtener un informe.
  • Incluya copias (no originales) de los comprobantes de ventas u otros documentos para mostrar el error o problema de facturación.
  • Guarde una copia de su carta de disputa.

Cuando la compañía de la tarjeta de crédito recibe su carta de queja, tiene 30 días para escribir diciendo que recibió su queja.

No tienen que decir que recibieron la queja si el problema se soluciona dentro de los 30 días.

La compañía de la tarjeta de crédito tiene dos ciclos de facturación (pero no más de 90 días) después de recibir su carta para resolver su disputa.

¿Qué sucede después de que sale la carta?

Después de escribir para disputar los cargos, la FCBA le permite hacer algunas cosas.

Puede retener el pago sobre el monto en disputa (y los cargos sobre ese monto) durante la investigación.

Debe pagar cualquier parte de la factura que no esté en cuestión, incluidos todos los demás cargos financieros, sobre los montos que no está disputando.

El acreedor no puede tomar ninguna acción legal o de otro tipo para cobrar el monto en disputa y los cargos relacionados (incluidos los cargos financieros) durante la investigación.

Tu cuenta no se puede cerrar ni restringir.

El acreedor no puede amenazar su calificación crediticia, reportarlo como moroso, acelerar su deuda o restringir o cerrar su cuenta porque su factura está en disputa o usted ha utilizado sus derechos de FCBA.

Es contrario a la ley federal que los acreedores discriminen a los solicitantes de crédito que ejercen sus derechos de buena fe bajo la FCBA.

Por ejemplo, un acreedor no puede negarle crédito solo porque usted ha disputado una factura.

La cantidad en disputa puede contar contra su límite de crédito.

El acreedor puede informar que usted está impugnando su factura.

Si resulta que su factura tiene un error, el acreedor debe explicarle, por escrito, las correcciones que se harán a su cuenta.

Además de acreditar su cuenta, el acreedor debe eliminar todos los cargos financieros, cargos por pago atrasado u otros cargos relacionados con el error.

Si el acreedor determina que usted debe una parte de la cantidad en disputa, debe darle una explicación por escrito. Puede solicitar copias de los documentos que demuestren que debe el dinero.

Si la investigación del acreedor encuentra que la factura es correcta, se le debe informar de inmediato y por escrito cuánto debe y por qué. Puede solicitar copias de los documentos pertinentes.

En este punto, deberá el monto en disputa, más cualquier cargo financiero de cuando el monto estaba en disputa. También es posible que tenga que pagar la cantidad mínima que no pagó debido a la disputa.

¿Qué sucede si no estoy de acuerdo después de que el acreedor investigue mis reclamos?

Si no está de acuerdo con los resultados de la investigación, puede escribir al acreedor.

Debe hacerlo dentro de los 10 días posteriores a la recepción de la explicación.

Puede decir que se niega a pagar la cantidad en disputa. Pero el acreedor ahora puede comenzar los procedimientos de cobro.

Si el acreedor lo reporta a una compañía de informes de crédito como moroso, el informe también debe decir que usted no cree que deba el dinero.

El acreedor debe decirle quién recibe estos informes de crédito. El acreedor también debe informar de inmediato cualquier final posterior de la morosidad reportada a todos los que recibieron un informe.

El acreedor que no siga el procedimiento de liquidación debe deducir $ 50 de su factura (o los montos en cuestión y los cargos financieros sobre ellos si son inferiores a $ 50).

Esta regla de $ 50 se aplica incluso si la factura resulta ser correcta.

Por ejemplo, si un acreedor reconoce que su queja es demasiado tarde, o tarda demasiado en resolver una disputa, se aplica la multa.

La multa también se aplica si un acreedor amenaza con informar, o informa incorrectamente, su falta de pago durante el período de la disputa.

¿Qué puedo hacer si creo que ha habido una violación de la FCBA?

La Comisión Federal de Comercio hace cumplir la FCBA para la mayoría de los acreedores, excepto los bancos.

Si cree que un acreedor ha violado la FCBA, presente una queja  ante la Comisión Federal de Comercio.

También puede demandar a un acreedor que viole la FCBA.

Si gana en la corte, se le pueden otorgar daños y perjuicios, más el doble del monto de cualquier cargo financiero, siempre y cuando sea entre $ 500 y $ 5,000, o montos más altos si se establece un patrón o práctica de violaciones.

El tribunal también puede ordenar al acreedor que pague los honorarios y costos de su abogado.

Si es posible, contrate a un abogado que esté dispuesto a aceptar lo que le otorgó el tribunal como la tarifa completa por representarlo.

Es posible que algunos abogados no tomen su caso a menos que usted acepte pagar sus honorarios (ganar o perder) o hacerle agregar a la cantidad otorgada por la corte si creen que es demasiado baja.

¿Qué pasa si la queja es sobre la calidad de los bienes o servicios comprados?

Las disputas sobre la calidad de los bienes y servicios no son "errores de facturación."

El procedimiento de disputa anterior no se aplica a las quejas sobre la calidad de los bienes o servicios.

Si tiene un problema con los bienes o servicios que pagó con una tarjeta de crédito o de cargo, puede tomar las mismas acciones legales contra el emisor de la tarjeta que puede tomar bajo la ley estatal contra el vendedor.

Solo puede usar esta protección, si debe haber realizado la compra en su estado de origen o dentro de las 100 millas de su dirección de facturación actual y la cantidad cobrada fue más de $ 50.

Primero debe hacer un esfuerzo de buena fe para resolver la disputa con el vendedor.

Las limitaciones de dólar y distancia no se aplican si el vendedor es el emisor de la tarjeta de crédito, o si existe una relación comercial especial entre el vendedor y el emisor de la tarjeta de crédito. Debido a este derecho a demandar, el emisor de la tarjeta puede estar dispuesto a eliminar un cargo que usted impugne. Pero los procedimientos de la FCBA anteriores no se aplicarán.

¿Qué pasa con otros derechos de facturación que pueda tener?

Las empresas que ofrecen crédito "abierto", como las tarjetas de crédito, también deben hacer estas cosas:

  • La compañía debe darle un aviso por escrito sobre su derecho a disputar errores de facturación cuando abra una nueva cuenta y de vez en cuando.
  • La compañía debe enviar un estado de cuenta por cada período de facturación en el que usted debe, o le deben, más de un dólar o por el cual se le ha cobrado un cargo financiero.
  • Una compañía de tarjeta de crédito debe enviar su factura al menos 21 días antes de que venza el pago con tarjeta de crédito.
  • Una compañía de crédito abierta debe enviar la factura antes de que expire cualquier período de gracia y se impongan cargos financieros (para crédito abierto). La factura debe salir al menos 14 días antes de que se deba un pago mínimo para evitar demorarse (incluso si no hay período de gracia).
  • La compañía debe acreditar todos los pagos a su cuenta en la fecha en que se reciben, a menos que no se produzcan cargos adicionales si no lo hacen.
  • Los acreedores pueden establecer reglas razonables para realizar pagos, como establecer una fecha límite razonable para que el pago se reciba se acredite en la misma fecha, si la hora no es anterior a las 5 p.m.
  • La compañía debe acreditar o reembolsar de inmediato los pagos excesivos y otros montos adeudados a su cuenta cuando le debe más de un dólar.
  • Si prefiere un reembolso, debe enviarse dentro de los siete días hábiles posteriores a que el acreedor reciba su solicitud por escrito.
  • El acreedor también debe hacer un esfuerzo de buena fe para reembolsar un saldo de crédito que ha permanecido en su cuenta durante más de seis meses.

¿Qué pasa si en su lugar llamo a la compañía de la tarjeta de crédito para disputar el cargo?

Los estados de cuenta de la tarjeta de crédito tienen un número al que llamar sobre problemas con la factura.

Muchas personas llaman al número cuando ven un error. Esto puede resolver la mayoría de los problemas.

Programe un recordatorio para asegurarse de que el problema se solucione dentro de los 45 días posteriores a la factura que tuvo el problema.

Si no se soluciona, envíe la carta descrita anteriormente para que la carta llegue a la compañía de la tarjeta de crédito dentro de los 60 días posteriores a la factura con el problema.

La información proporcionada en esta publicación no representa, y no pretende, un asesoramiento legal. Toda la información disponible en este sitio es información general. Si necesita ayuda legal, debe comunicarse con un abogado. Usted puede ser elegible para nuestros servicios legales. Nuestros servicios son gratuitos. Usted puede solicitar nuestros servicios con llamar nuestra línea directa de asistencia legal por desastre al 1-844-244-7871 o por nuestra aplicación electrónica.

Yo recibí un cheque en el correo. ¿Debería de depositarlo?

Necesariamente,  no. Debería de tener cuidado a leer la letra pequeña si es un cheque de una agencia confiable como el Internal Revenue Service (IRS) o si es un común “Live Check Loan.”

¿Qué es un “Live Check Loan” o “cheque vivo”?

Un préstamo con cheque vivo es una oferta de préstamo enviada por las agencias de préstamos a prestatarios preaprobados que ofrecen un préstamo pequeño, generalmente de $ 500 a $ 2500, generalmente a tasas de interés muy altas a menudo por encima del 25% APR.  Esta oferta de préstamo incluirá un cheque extendido a usted listo para cobrar.  Los préstamos de cheques en vivo también deben incluir: una divulgación de las tarifas del préstamo, la tasa porcentual anual (APR), el cronograma de pagos, el acuerdo de préstamo, un aviso de privacidad sobre el intercambio de su información personal, su derecho a excluir su nombre de futuras ofertas, llamado aviso de exclusión voluntaria, e información de contacto del remitente.  Al cobrar o depositar el cheque, usted está aceptando todos los términos y condiciones adjuntos al préstamo.  Asegúrese de leer la letra pequeña incluida con este cheque para determinar si este préstamo es adecuado para usted.

¿Es esta oferta de préstamo preaprobada una estafa?

Los estafadores a veces envían ofertas de préstamos falsas por correo, correo electrónico o mensaje de texto. Estos pueden parecer muy similares a las ofertas reales de préstamos con cheques en vivo, pero se utilizan para obtener su información personal o financiera con el fin de cometer robo de identidad o fraude. Si el préstamo le pide que envíe dinero, información personal o financiera a cambio, lo más probable es que sea una estafa.  Visite la Base de Datos de Quejas del Consumidor de la Oficina de Protección Financiera del Consumidor para ver si el prestamista tiene licencia en su estado y si hay quejas en su contra en Si cree que esta oferta es una estafa, puede informarlo a la Comisión Federal de Comercio en

¿Cómo funciona un cheque en vivo?

Si desea aceptar el préstamo de cheque vivo, debe respaldar el cheque firmando el reverso del cheque y cambiando o depositando los fondos en su cuenta bancaria. Esto crea un acuerdo de préstamo que debe pagar con intereses de acuerdo con el plan de pago incluido. Si paga tarde o no paga, es posible que se le cobren tarifas junto con intereses, y el prestamista puede informar su deuda a una agencia de informes de crédito, lo que podría afectar su puntaje de crédito. Para rechazar la oferta de préstamo, debe destruir de forma segura, triturando y tirando, el cheque en vivo para evitar un posible uso fraudulento por parte de otros.

¿Cómo determino si debo aceptar esta oferta de préstamo?

Los préstamos de cheques en vivo pueden ser convenientes ya que no tiene que completar una solicitud de préstamo o presentar documentos. Sin embargo, los préstamos con cheques vivos pueden tener tasas de interés mucho más altas que otros préstamos o tarjetas de crédito. Si está interesado en un préstamo o línea de crédito, debe seguir estos sencillos pasos:

  • Investigue al prestamista. Verifique si el prestamista tiene licencia para hacer negocios en su estado a través del regulador bancario de su estado. Visite la base de datos de quejas de la Oficina de Protección Financiera del Consumidor para ver si el prestamista tiene quejas.
  • Lea el contrato de préstamo. Comprender las tasas y los términos del préstamo ayuda a determinar su asequibilidad. El acuerdo debe detallar el costo anual total de los préstamos, representado como una tasa porcentual anual e incluyendo los costos de interés y las tarifas; el número de pagos requeridos; y los importes de los pagos.
  • Compare precios. Compare las tasas y los términos de los préstamos personales en cooperativas de crédito, bancos y prestamistas en línea. Si tiene mal crédito, es posible que pueda obtener tasas más bajas en las cooperativas de ahorro y crédito federales, que limitan las tasas de los préstamos al 18 por ciento. También puede consultar las tarifas y los términos en los prestamistas en línea. La mayoría ejecuta un tirón suave en su crédito, lo que no tiene ningún impacto en su puntaje de crédito.
  • Enfoque en soluciones a largo plazo. Cree un presupuesto que demuestre sus gastos, que pueda identificar gastos innecesarios y ayudarlo a pagar deudas o dirigir dinero a un fondo de emergencia. Luego puede usar efectivo para emergencias en lugar de crédito de alto interés.

¿Qué debo hacer con este cheque en vivo?

Si decide que desea aceptar la oferta de préstamo, simplemente endose el reverso del cheque con su firma y efectivo o deposite el cheque en su cuenta bancaria. Si decide que no desea aceptar la oferta de préstamo, rompa el cheque y tírelo.  Si no destruye el cheque antes de tirarlo, corre el riesgo de que alguien cobre el cheque a su nombre y se haga responsable de un préstamo que no recibió.

¿Cómo detengo estas ofertas de préstamos no solicitados?

Si no desea recibir cheques en vivo u otras ofertas de préstamos no solicitados, tiene derecho bajo la Ley de Informes de Crédito Justos a optar por no recibir ofertas futuras durante cinco años o de forma permanente. Para optar por no participar por cinco años, llame al 1-888-5-OPTOUT (1-888-567-8688) o para optar por no participar permanentemente, visite y devuelva un "Formulario de elección de exclusión permanente" firmado, que enviarán después de realizar la solicitud.

Ya cobré el cheque.  ¿Qué hago ahora?

Al cobrar el cheque, usted quedó obligado a los términos y condiciones de la oferta de préstamo.  Si no puede pagar los pagos como se describe en la oferta, comuníquese con el prestamista sobre las posibles opciones para pagar su préstamo. Si paga tarde o no paga sin llegar a un acuerdo con el prestamista, estos pueden cobrar tarifas junto con intereses, informar su deuda a una agencia de informes de crédito o tomar medidas para embargar sus salarios o embargar su propiedad.

La información proporcionada en esta publicación no representa, y no pretende, un asesoramiento legal. Toda la información disponible en este sitio es información general. Si necesita ayuda legal, debe comunicarse con un abogado. Usted puede ser elegible para nuestros servicios legales. Nuestros servicios son gratuitos. Usted puede solicitar nuestros servicios con llamar nuestra línea directa de asistencia legal por desastre al 1-844-244-7871 o por nuestra aplicación electrónica.

Como muchos estados, Louisiana permite que trabajadores firmen un acuerdo de no competencia si sus empleadores lo piden.

¿Que Son?

Acuerdo de no competencia es un contrato que se prohíbe trabajar en un trabajo similar a lo que estaba haciendo hasta dos años después que dejes el trabajo anterior. El contrato se respeta, aunque una persona deja el trabajo por propia voluntad o por decisión del empleador. Empleadores frecuentemente les dan a nuevos trabajadores este acuerdo con muchas otras paginas para que la persona que esta firmando no se de cuenta de lo que esta firmando. Entonces es muy importante que una persona sepa lo que está firmando. Estos acuerdos iniciaron para proteger los secretos e inversiones de las compañías, pero ahora son parte de muchos trabajos en Louisiana como restaurantes, tiendas, y trabajo de casa.

¿Porque no deberías firmar uno?

Un empleador que no contrata a una persona a menos que firme un acuerdo de no competencia frecuentemente demanda a esa misma persona por dinero y para que esa persona pare de trabajar en su nuevo trabajo si viola el acuerdo. Esto puede pasar si una persona empieza a trabajar en una nueva compañía o si la persona es un trabajador independiente. Lo mejor es que no firme un acuerdo. Si un empleador se pide que firme un acuerdo de no competencia debería de decirle que no. No es ilegal que se pidan que firme el acuerdo, pero no es necesario que firme el acuerdo. Puede decirle al empleador que está dispuesto a trabajar para el/ella, pero sin firmar el acuerdo.

Es difícil rechazar un trabajo cuando una persona necesita trabajo y es difícil encontrar trabajo, pero cuando una persona firma un acuerdo de no competencia se limita a trabajos en el futuro hasta para dos anos cuando termina de trabajar para ese empleador. Tal vez está dispuesto a trabajar para ese empleador sabiendo que se está limitando en trabajos en el futuro, pero cuando más y más empleadores están usando estos acuerdo para restringir los derechos de los trabajadores, se convierte en una problema para toda la gente que trabaja por un sueldo o para la gente que aspira para empezar su propio negocio.

¿Qué pasa si firma un acuerdo de no competencia?

Protéjase de demandas del empleador. Se el acuerdo es legal, el empleador se puede demandar por dinero perdido de su compañía y un corte puede ordenar que pares de trabajar en tu nuevo trabajo. Si no está seguro si el acuerdo es legal, consulta con un abogado si puede. Si el legal, espera que el tiempo requerido en el acuerdo se expire antes de empezar trabajo que podría ser contemplado en el acuerdo de no competencia. Si se demandan, busca un abogado inmediatamente.

What is the “three day rule”?

What does the three day rule cover?

The three day rule is also called the  “Cooling Off Rule.”

This rule covers  sales contracts made in person at your home, work, or other unusual locations.

The rule is to protect people against being pressured into a sale, contract, or deal.

Some of these may involve people who go door to door to try to get people to buy things or services.

The rule applies to the following sales contracts:

  • A sale of $25 or more done at your home
  • A sale of more than $130 at a temporary place (like a flea market, tent, roadside, etc.)
  • But the sale must be for goods or services mainly for your personal, family, or household use. This includes sale of lessons, other instruction or training courses.

However, this rule does NOT cover the sale if it was:

  • made to meet any emergency
  • made entirely online, by mail, or telephone
  • made after you agreed to the terms at the seller’s permanent place of business that sells the goods or services you bought
  • made because you asked the seller to visit your home to repair or perform maintenance on your personal property.  (Things you buy other than that repair or maintenance request are covered.)
  • involves any real estate, insurance, or securities (like stocks)
  • for a car, van, truck, or other motor vehicle sold at a temporary location, if the seller has at least one permanent place of business
  • for any arts or crafts sold at fairs or places like shopping malls, civic centers, and schools

What information must the seller tell you?

At the time of the sale, the seller has to tell you about your right to cancel the sale.

The seller also must give you:

  • Two copies of a cancelation form. One copy is for you to keep. The other copy is to send to the seller if you decide to cancel your purchase.
  • A copy of your contract or receipt. The contract or receipt should be dated, show the name and address of the seller, and explain your right to cancel.
    • Note: The contract or receipt must be in the same language that was used in the sales presentation.

When can I cancel the contract?

Your right to cancel for a full refund lasts until midnight of the third business day after the date the sale was made or you signed the contract.  Saturday is considered a business day, but Sundays and federal holidays are not. So:

  • If the sale happens on a Monday in a week without a federal holiday, you have until midnight on Thursday to cancel.
  • If the sale happens on a Monday and Tuesday is a federal holiday, you have until midnight on Friday to cancel.
  • If the sale happens on a Friday, you have until midnight on Tuesday to cancel, if there are no federal holidays on Monday or Tuesday.
  • If the sale happens on a Friday and the following Monday is a federal holiday, you have until midnight on Wednesday to cancel. 

Do I need a reason to cancel the sale?

You don’t have to give a reason for canceling.

You have a right to change your mind.

How do I cancel the sale?

  • To cancel a sale, sign and date one copy of the cancellation form. Mail it to the address given for cancellations in the contract or by the seller.  Make sure the envelope is postmarked before midnight of the third business day after the contract date.
  • If the seller didn’t give you cancellation forms, write a cancellation letter. It must be postmarked within three business days of the sale.
  • Send the cancellation form or letter by certified mail or another post office service that includes “tracking” so you can get a report showing when you mailed it and when it was delivered.    Also, keep a copy of the letter or cancelation form or letter for your records.

What happens next?  What does the seller have to do after the cancelation?

The seller has 10 days to

  • cancel and return any check you signed
  • refund all your money
  • return any property you might have traded in
  • tell you if any product you still have will be picked up or abandoned

Within 20 days, the seller must either pick up the items left with you, or reimburse you for mailing expenses if you agree to send back the items.

If the seller gave you any items, you must make them available to the seller in as good condition as when you got them. If you don’t make the items available to the seller — or if you agree to return them but don’t — you still have to pay the seller.

What if the seller does not follow the rules?

If you used a credit card, you can dispute the credit card charges based on the violation of the “FTC Cooling off rule.” See our post on this here.

You can also report the violation the FTC at

In some cases you may be able to use the violation as part of a lawsuit.

The information provided on this post does not, and is not intended to, represent legal advice. All information available on this site is for general informational purposes only. If you need legal help, you should contact a lawyer. You may be eligible for our free legal services and can apply by calling our Covid Legal Hotline at 1-844-244-7871 or applying online here.

What credit card charges can I dispute?

If any of the things below happened to you, a Federal law called the Fair Credit Billing Act (FCBA) may be able to help.

  • Did you buy something with a credit card and not get it?
  • Was the thing you received not what you ordered?
  • Have you been charged twice for the same item?

What charges are covered by the Fair Billing Credit Act?

The Fair Billing Credit Act (FCBA) applies to credit cards and accounts with no set schedule to  pay off the whole amount you owe.

This is called an "open end" credit account. Credit cards and revolving charge accounts like department store accounts are open end accounts.

The Fair Billing Credit Act covers these. It doesn’t cover installment loans.

An “installment loan” has a specific a payment schedule, usually paying the same amount each month.

These scheduled payments are usually used for things like cars, homes, furniture, major appliances, and “promissory notes” (like bank loans). 

What does the law do?

The FCBA covers disputes over some  "billing errors":

  • The bill has charges you did not make or let someone else make. (Federal law limits your responsibility for unauthorized charges to $50).
  • The bill has the wrong date or amount.
  • You were billed for things you did not accept or weren't delivered as agreed.
  • Bills with math mistakes;
  • Bills that didn’t record your payments correctly or give you credit for returns.
  • Bills that went to the wrong address. This only applies if the credit card company has notice in writing of your correct address at least 20 days before end of the billing period.
  • You were not given a requested explanation after you requested clarification.
  • You were not given written proof of purchase after you claimed error.

How do I use the law?

  • Write a letter to the address on your statement for "billing inquiries."
  • This usually is not the address where you send payments.
  • Include your name, address, account number, and a description of the billing error.
  • Here is a sample letter from the FTC (Federal Trade Commission).
  • Mail your letter so that it reaches the address within 60 days after the first bill with the error was mailed to you.
  • It’s a good idea to send your letter by certified mail or other post office service that uses tracking you can get a report on.
  • Include copies (not originals) of sales slips or other papers to show the billing mistake or problem.
  • Keep a copy of your dispute letter.

When the credit card company gets your complaint letter, it has 30 days to write saying it got your complaint.

They do not have to say they got the complaint if the problem is fixed within the 30 days.

The credit card company has  two billing cycles (but not more than 90 days) after getting your letter to work out your dispute.

What happens after the letter goes out

After you write to dispute charges the FCBA lets you do some things.

You may withhold payment on the disputed amount (and charges on that amount) during the investigation.

You must pay any part of the bill not in question, including all other finance charges, on the amounts you are not disputing.

The creditor may not take any legal or other action to collect the disputed amount and related charges (including finance charges) during the investigation.

Your account can't be closed or restricted.

The creditor may not threaten your credit rating, report you as delinquent, accelerate your debt, or restrict or close your account because your bill is in dispute or you have used your FCBA rights.

It against federal law for creditors to discriminate against credit applicants who exercise their rights in good faith under the FCBA.

For example, a creditor can’t deny you credit just because you've disputed a bill.

The disputed amount can count against your credit limit.

The creditor may report that you are challenging your bill.

If it turns out that your bill has a mistake, the creditor must explain to you — in writing — the corrections that will be made to your account.

In addition to crediting your account, the creditor must remove all finance charges, late fees, or other charges related to the error.

If the creditor determines that you owe a portion of the disputed amount, it must give you a written explanation. You may request copies of documents proving you owe the money.

If the creditor's investigation finds the bill is correct, you must be told promptly and in writing how much you owe and why. You may ask for copies of relevant documents.

At this point, you'll owe the disputed amount, plus any finance charges from when the amount was in dispute.

You also may have to pay the minimum amount you missed paying because of the dispute.

What happens if I disagree after the creditor investigates my claims?

If you disagree with the results of the investigation, you may write to the creditor.

You must do that within 10 days after receiving the explanation.

You may say that you refuse to pay the disputed amount. But the creditor may now begin collection procedures.

If the creditor reports you to a credit reporting company as delinquent, the report also must say that you don't think you owe the money.

The creditor must tell you who gets these credit reports. The creditor also must promptly report any subsequent end of the reported delinquency to everyone who got a report.

creditor who fails to follow the settlement procedure should deduct $50 from your bill (or the amounts at issue and finance charges on them if they are less than $50).

This $50 rule applies even if the bill turns out to be correct.

For example, if a creditor acknowledges your complaint is too late — or takes too long to resolve a dispute, the penalty applies.

The penalty also applies if a creditor threatens to report — or improperly reports — your failure to pay during the dispute period.

What can I do if I think there has been a violation of the FCBA?

The Federal Trade Commission enforces the FCBA for most creditors except banks.

If you think a creditor has violated the FCBA, file a complaint with the Federal Trade Commission.

You also can sue a creditor who violates the FCBA.

If you win in court, you may be awarded damages, plus twice the amount of any finance charge — as long as it's between $500 and $5,000, or higher amounts if a pattern or practice of violations is established.

The court also may order the creditor to pay your attorney's fees and costs.

If possible, hire a lawyer who is willing to accept the awarded to you by the court as the entire fee for representing you.

Some lawyers may not take your case unless you agree to pay their fee — win or lose — or make you add to the court-awarded amount if they think it's too low.

What if the complaint is about the quality of the goods or services purchased?

Disputes about the quality of goods and services are not "billing errors."

The dispute procedure above doesn’t apply to complaints about the quality of goods or services.

If you have a problem with goods or services you paid for with a credit or charge card, you can take the same legal actions against the card issuer as you can take under state law against the seller.

You can only use this protection, if you must have made the purchase in your home state or within 100 miles of your current billing address and the amount charged was more than $50.

You must make a good faith effort to resolve the dispute with the seller first.

The dollar and distance limitations don't apply if the seller is the credit card issuer, or if a special business relationship exists between the seller and the credit card issuer.

Because of this right to sue, the card issuer may be willing to remove a charge that you challenge. But the FCBA procedures above will not apply.

What about other billing rights that I may have?

Businesses that offer "open end" credit, like credit cards, also must do these things:

  • The company must give you a written notice about your right to dispute billing errors when you open a new account and from time to time
  • The company must send a statement for each billing period in which you owe — or they owe you — more than one dollar or on which you have been charged a finance charge
  • A credit card company must send your bill at least 21 days before your credit card payment is due.
  • An open end credit company must send the bill before any grace period expires and finance charges are imposed (for open end credit). The bill must go out at least 14 days before a minimum payment is due to avoid being late (even if there is no grace period).
  • The company must credit all payments to your account on the date they're received, unless no extra charges would result if they failed to do so.
  • Creditors can set reasonable rules for making payments, like setting a reasonable deadline for payment to be received to be credited on the same date, if the time is not earlier than 5 p.m.
  • The company must promptly credit or refund overpayments and other amounts owed to your account when it owes you more than one dollar.
  • If you prefer a refund, it must be sent within seven business days after the creditor receives your written request.
  • The creditor also must make a good faith effort to refund a credit balance that has remained on your account for more than six months.

What if I instead call the credit card company to dispute the charge?

Credit card statements have a number to call about problems with the bill.

Many people call the number when they see a mistake. This may solve most problems.

Schedule a reminder to make sure the problem is fixed within 45 days of the bill that had the problem.

If it is not fixed, send the letter described above so that the letter will get to the credit card company within 60 days of the bill with the problem.

Updated May 17, 2022

The information provided on this post does not, and is not intended to, represent legal advice. All information available on this site is for general informational purposes only. If you need legal help, you should contact a lawyer. You may be eligible for our free legal services and can apply by calling our Covid Legal Hotline at 1-844-244-7871 or applying online here.

How can I get free or discounted Internet service?

The federal government offers two Internet discount programs.

You may be able to get free or discounted Internet from one of these two programs:

  • the Lifeline Program; and/or
  • the new “Affordable Connectivity Program, or “ACP.”

What is the Lifeline program?

The Lifeline program can cut up to $9.25 off a monthly Internet bill. Lifeline benefits can cut up to $34.25 per month for those on Tribal lands.

You cannot get Internet service from Lifeline if you have a cell phone or phone plan through Lifeline.

Learn more about Lifeline here:

What is the Affordable Connectivity Program (ACP)?

The ACP is a new federal Internet discount program.

The ACP replaced the Emergency Broadband Benefit (EBB).

If you used to get the Emergency Broadband Benefit (EBB), your Internet company should have talked to you by March 1, 2022, about how to keep your discount. If you lost your discount through the EBB, you can still apply for the ACP now.

If you never had the Emergency Broadband Benefit before, you can also still apply for the ACP.

You can’t apply now for aid under the Emergency Broadband Benefit program.

Who is eligible for the Affordable Connectivity Program (ACP)?

One of these things must be true for you or someone in in your household.

  • Income at or below twice the Federal Poverty Guidelines;
  • Gets SNAP, Medicaid, Federal Public Housing Assistance, SSI, WIC, or Lifeline;
  • Aid from tribal programs. These include Bureau of Indian Affairs General Assistance, Tribal Head Start (only households meeting income caps), Tribal TANF, or Food Distribution Program on Indian Reservations;
  • Aid from free and reduced-price school lunch program or school breakfast program, including through the USDA Community Eligibility Provision;
  • Has a Federal Pell Grant during the current award year; or
  • Qualifies for help from a low-income program a broadband provider already has.

How much is the ACP discount?

ACP aid is:

  • Up to $30/month discount for broadband service;
  • Up to $75/month discount for households on qualifying Tribal lands; and
  • A one-time discount of up to $100 for a laptop, desktop computer, or tablet purchased through a participating provider. The household must contribute more than $10 but less than $50 toward the purchase price.

There is only one monthly service discount per household.

There is only one device discount per household.

How do I apply for the ACP?

Apply through Lifeline if you have Internet service from Lifeline. If you want to switch Internet companies, you must be sure that the new company is part of the ACP.

(You cannot get Internet service from Lifeline if you already get a Lifeline cell phone discount.)

If your Internet is not through Lifeline, apply through your Internet company.

The link below has a list of companies with the ACP:

If you do not already get Internet aid, you must apply for the ACP online or by mail:

  • Apply online at
  • Print an application from Mail the completed form ACP Support Center, PO Box 7081, London, KY 40742.
  • If your Internet company is part of the ACP, ask your company if it has its own ACP application for you to complete.

If you are approved for the ACP, you can only use the discount with an Internet company that is part of the ACP.

You must make sure your Internet company applies the ACP discount to your bill.

Which companies can I use the discount at? 

Internet companies with the ACP are listed here:

As of May 9, 2022, 20 different Internet companies began offering Internet plans that cost $30 per month or less. If you use your ACP discount on one of these plans, you will have no cost for your Internet access. Internet companies offering these $30 per month or less Internet plans are listed here:

For more information on the ACP, visit or call 877-384-2575.

The information provided on this post does not, and is not intended to, represent legal advice. All information available on this site is for general informational purposes only. If you need legal help, you should contact a lawyer. You may be eligible for our free legal services and can apply by calling our Covid Legal Hotline at 1-844-244-7871 or applying online here.

You may be able to get a free or low cost cell phone if you or someone in your household is part of one or more of the public aid programs listed below.

The program covers one phone or service discount per household.

This is through the “Lifeline” program.

COVID may mean that you need to apply online, by phone, or by mail instead of in person.

You must be able to send in proof that you get one or more kinds of the aid below.

Or you can instead show proof that you qualify based on income. (More about that below.)

Here is a list of the aid programs:

  • Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program (SNAP/food stamps)
  • Medicaid
  • Supplemental Security Income (SSI). (This is different than the Social Security that most people receive.)
  • Federal Public Housing assistance, including “Section 8”
  • Veterans Pension and Survivors Benefits
  • Tribal Programs (for people living on federally-recognized Tribal lands)

Here are income levels to qualify for the program:  

The government has not posted the 2022 income levels for Lifeline to the public yet. However, these amounts should be current for 2022.

Number of People in Your Household Annual Household Income Monthly Average Income
1 $18,346.50 $1,528.88
2 $24,718.50 $2,059.88
3 $31,090.50 $2,590.88
4 $37,462.50 $3,121.88
5 $43,834.50 $3,652.88
6 $50,206.50 $4,183.88
7 $56,578.50 $4,714.88
8 $62,950.50 $5,245.88
For each additional person, add: $6,372 $531

How do I apply? 

You can apply for a free phone directly to a cell phone service provider.

Here is the information you will need to give:

  • Your Name
  • Your Social Security Number
  • A Working Email Address
  • A Mailing Address (cannot be a P.O. Box)
  • Proof of your income or that you get the aid benefits listed earlier in this article
  • If you are not in one of the aid programs listed earlier you can send a copy if your tax return from last year or proof of three months in a row of your income.
  • You might be able to give other kinds of proof of your income if your documents do not cover the whole year.

Different companies offer different plans. The amount of minutes may be different. The amount of data may be different.

Find out if the company offers a free phone with its service.

Different companies have different offerings. Find out ahead of time what the company offers.

You can use your ZIP Code on the phone company’s site to see what the company covers where you live.

Here are some examples. Check with each provider first to see if this information is still up to date.

Program Program Features How to Apply
NewPhone Wireless • Free Smartphone
• Unlimited Phone Calls and Text
• 4.5 GB of Data
Apply online here.
Assurance Wireless • Free Smartphone
• Unlimited Text
• 1,000 Minutes for Phone Calls
• 3 GB of Data

Coverage Map

Apply online here.
Apply over the phone by calling 1-888-898-4888.
EnTouch Wireless • Some applicants may be Eligible for a Free Phone
• Unlimited Text
• 1,000 Minutes for Phone Calls
• 100 MB of Data

Coverage Map

Apply online here.
Apply by completing and mailing a paper application to: enTouch Wireless
PO Box 37
Hiawatha, IA 52233
The paper application can be found here.
Q Link Wireless • Unlimited Phone Calls and Text
• 3 GB of Data

Coverage Map

Apply online here.
SafeLink • Unlimited Text
• 350 Minutes for Phone Calls
• 4.5 GB of Data
Apply online here.
Apply over the phone by calling 1-800-723-3546.
TAG Mobile • Unlimited Text
• 1,000 Minutes for Phone Calls
• 250 MB of Data

Coverage Map

Apply online here.
TruConnect • Unlimited Text
• 1,000 Minutes for Phone Calls
• 250 MB of Data

Coverage Map

Apply online here.
Access Wireless • Unlimited Text
• 1,000 Minutes for Phone Calls
• 4.5 GB of Data

Coverage Map

*Enrolling for this program can take weeks, since you have to submit two different applications.

In order to apply for this provider, you must first complete and mail in a paper application to:
USAC, Lifeline Support Center
P.O. Box 7081, London, KY 40742

Standup Wireless • Unlimited Text
• 1,000 Minutes for Phone Calls
• 4.5 GB of Data (but changing for everyone on February 28, 2021 to only 100 MB of Data. Those already on can keep the higher amount for $10/month)

Coverage Map

Apply online here

Updated 9/19/2022

The information provided on this post does not, and is not intended to, represent legal advice. All information available on this site is for general informational purposes only. If you need legal help, you should contact a lawyer. You may be eligible for our free legal services and can apply by calling our Covid Legal Hotline at 1-844-244-7871 or applying online here.

Talk to the water or power company if you get behind on your bill.

Do not ignore unpaid bills.

Unpaid bills can lead to cutoffs.

What if I can’t pay my Entergy bill?

First - contact Entergy.

There is online information about Entergy payment assistance here.

You can also call Entergy at 1-800-ENTERGY (1-800-368-3749)

You have some Entergy payment options:

  • See if you qualify for  a payment extension.
  • See if you qualify for a deferred payment plan.
  • See if a level billing plan works of you. That plan keeps  your monthly bills  the same for all  over a 12 months.
  • See if you qualify for the Power to Care Program.  Contact the New Orleans Council on Aging at (504) 821-4121.

How do I apply to get money to help pay these bills?

LIHEAP (the Low Income Home Energy Assistance Program) has federal money to help people  pay energy bills and other energy-related expenses.

Total Community Action (TCA) connects people with LIHEAP aid.

To see if you qualify for LIHEAP , call TCA.

(504) 324-8609.

You can also use the TCA website here.

What if I can’t pay my Sewerage and Water bill?

First, contact Sewerage and Water Board (SWB).

SWB has online information about help with payments here.

You can also call SWB.

(504) 529-2837

See if you qualify for the Sewerage and Water Board Water Help/Plumbing Assistance Program.

The program helps elderly, disabled and lower-income customers pay their water bills and make minor plumbing repairs.

Total Community Action (TCA) connects people with help from this program.

You apply in person at:

Total Community Action
1424 South Jefferson Davis Parkway
New Orleans, LA 70125
(504) 324-8609

To get this:

  1. You must live in Orleans Parish.
  2. You must be at least 62 years old, or disabled or handicapped, according to Social Security, Veterans Administration, or another listed agency.
  3. Household income must be under poverty level guidelines for the area.
  4. The water meter must serve only one unit.
  5. Your Account must not be in dispute status.

Bring the following to apply:

  1. proof of age (driver's license, birth certificate, or another authentic document).
  2. proof of physical disability if under the age of 62.
  3. proof of income (award letter or four check stubs in a row).
  4. Account statement showing you are the customer of record and that your account is active.

For more information you can call TCA: (504) 324-8609.

Other options for your SWB bill.

Ask the Sewerage and Water Board about a “Payment Arrangement” plan.

You may qualify for a payment plan to help pay off your bill.

The plan will let you pay off what you owe over several months.

Other help for paying water and power bills.

Catholic Charities of New Orleans - Utility Aid
Call (504) 523-3755.

City of New Orleans Department of Human Services (formerly City Welfare)
New Orleans City Hall
Room 1W30
New Orleans, LA 70112
(504) 658-3310

Orleans Parish Council on Aging (COA)
2475 Canal Street (4th Floor)
New Orleans, LA 70119
(504) 821-4121

The information provided on this post does not, and is not intended to, represent legal advice. All information available on this site is for general informational purposes only. If you need legal help, you should contact a lawyer. You may be eligible for our free legal services and can apply by calling our Covid Legal Hotline at 1-844-244-7871 or applying online here.

You have a right to fight charges on your bill from Entergy that are wrong.


How do I tell Entergy if I think there’s a mistake on my bill?


Report the problem with your bill as soon  as you can.

Do not wait.

You could lose some of your rights if you wait too long to report a problem with your bill.

Contact Entergy’s Customer Service Department to report the problem with your bill.


Entergy Customer Service hours are Monday through Friday from 7:00 a.m. to 7:00 p.m.

You can call Entergy at (800) 368-3749.

You can reach Entergy online at:


What happens after I tell Entergy about my billing problem?


Entergy will give you a reference number for your complaint.

An Entergy Customer Service Manager should review your complaint.

Entergy may fix the problem at that stage.

You may get a written decision from Entergy by certified mail.


What do I do if I disagree with Entergy’s decision?


Do not delay in taking your issue to the next level if you do not agree with Entergy’s written decision.

Do not miss the deadline to  challenge Entergy’s written decision.

You must fill out and file a form to make your formal complaint.

Get the form  from the  Utilities Regulatory Office of the New Orleans City Council.

The office is at  Room 6E07 of City Hall.

The phone number for the Utilities Regulatory Office is (504) 658-1110

Be careful when you fill out the form.

Be sure to include any other papers or other things you need for your complaint.

File your form and related materials by the deadline.

You can bring the form and any other related papers  in person to the Utilities Regulatory Office.

You can send in the form and related papers by fax.

The fax number for the Utilities Regulatory Office is (504) 658-1117.

Again, you must file your written form within 10 days of you getting Entergy’s written decision:

Your written form must include certain information or you may lose.

  • Ask to have an Administrative Hearing on your complaint!
  • Attach a copy of Entergy’s written decision.
  • Give your permission to have Entergy share information about your account with the Utilities Regulatory Office.
  • Give the details of your complaint. Include information about  any regulations Entergy did not follow.
  • Say how the problem could be fixed. Attach copies of any papers that relate to your complaint.


Entergy should get notice of your complaint within three (3) business days. .

Entergy gets 3 business days to reply.

A Complaint Officer will review your complaint.

The Complaint Officer will decide if your complaint gets  an Administrative Hearing.


I was given an Administrative Hearing, now what?


Different things can happen at the Administrative Hearing level,

The Complaint Officer for your complaint can offer  a settlement.

You and Entergy will have to agree to the settlement.

If you and Entergy do not work things out, the next step is a hearing.

You will get notice of the hearing.

The notice should tell you the date time and place of the hearing.

The hearing should happen in 20 to 30 days.

Hearings are  during regular business hours.

Regular business hours for hearings are between 9:00 a.m. and 5:00 p.m., Monday through Friday.

Hearings  normally take up to 1½ hours.

If you do not show up for your hearing, you can lose.

Your complaint may be tossed out.


What happens after a hearing?


You will get a hearing decision in writing.

You should get the written decision within 15 calendar days after the hearing.

The decision will say what the Complaint Officer decided about the dispute.

The decision will say if the Complaint Officer found your rights were violated.

The decision will say if the Complaint Officer  found   that Entergy broke any regulations.

The decision will give reasons for the Complaint Officer’s findings.

The decision will say what can be done to fix the problem.

The decision will say if there was an agreement to fix the problem before or during the hearing.

The decision will spell out the terms of any agreement reached to fix the problem.  .

Sometimes problems are fixed by setting up a monthly payment plan.

The amount due under a payment plan would be on top of  your regular monthly bill.


What if I do not get an Administrative Hearing?


Some things can stop you from getting a hearing.

These things can include:

  • More than 90 days passed before you filed a complaint with Entergy.
  • You didn’t ask for an Administrative Hearing in your formal written complaint with the Utilities Regulatory Office.
  • Your dispute may not be the kind that gets an Administrative Hearing.

Disputes that do not get hearings can include:

  • Disputes about a voluntary deferred repayment plan with Entergy, or being refused  this kind of plan
  • Problems because you do not have money for your bill
  • Disputes about how energy rates are set
  • Disputes about unlawful use of Entergy services and/or damages to Entergy’s equipment
  • Disputes about unauthorized sale of services or any violation of laws
  • Disputes about Entergy’s right to collect for undercharged usage, unlawful usage, or damages
  • Disputes concerning your complaint about a high bill if Entergy tested your meter, found it to be accurate, or you refused to let Entergy test your meter
  • Disputed because your services were denied or cutoff due to a danger to public health or safety
  • Disputes over your security deposit
  • A claim for damages or loss because of something Entergy did is another kind of issue that does not get an Administrative Hearing.

Here is more information about utility complaints and appeals. Review the information at the link below carefully.

The information provided on this post does not, and is not intended to, represent legal advice. All information available on this site is for general informational purposes only. If you need legal help, you should contact a lawyer. You may be eligible for our free legal services and can apply by calling our Covid Legal Hotline at 1-844-244-7871 or applying online here.

What is a Pay Day Loan?

A “pay day loan” is a name for a loan that must be repaid very quickly, usually within weeks.

This kind of loan goes by many names.

These loans may be called “pay day” loans, “cash advance” loans, “check advance” loans, “deferred deposit” check loans, or “deferred payment” loans.

Here is how these short term loans work.

The loan is paid back from your upcoming paycheck.

You usually let the lender to take the loan amount out of your bank account when it is time to repay the loan.  This is often 14 days after the loan.

Under Louisiana law, the most you can borrow $350.

The length of the loan is up to 30 days.

Pay day loans will not help with long-term debts.

Instead, pay day loans often turn an immediate problem into a n even more expensive long-term problem.

What is the cost of a Pay Day loan?

Louisiana law allows you to be charged $20 for every $100 you borrow.

The  lender can also  charge you fees. These fees can include a $10 documentation fee.  The fees charged can be at most $55 when you borrow $220 or more.

What is the actual interest rate for a Pay Day loan?

The APR (Annual Percentage Rate) for these loans in Louisiana is up to 391% on a loan of $300.  APRs for most credit cards between 12% and 30%.

What is APR?

APR is the interest rate showing the true and total cost of the loan. It includes the interest rate plus any upfront costs and fees that you are charged by the lender when you borrow the money.

Can I refinance my current Pay Day loan?

Yes and No.  Under Louisiana law, only if you pay the fees owed and pay back at least 25% of the borrowed amount, you can refinance the remaining 75% of principal.

For example:

You borrowed $300, and you were charged $55 in fees.

You must pay back $55 in fees plus $75 (which is 25% of the $300 you borrowed) to refinance the remaining $225 owed.

You will be charged additional fees and interest for the $225 you refinanced.

What happens if I cannot refinance or repay my current Pay Day loan?

The law allows  you  to make a “partial payment” of $50 or more.

If  you do not pay by the due date, you will be in default.

What happens if I default on a Pay Day loan?

The lender can then charge you up to 36% per year interest for the first year.

After the first year the lender can charge 18% interest each year after until the full amount owed is paid back.

If you are sued the lender can charge you attorney fees and court costs.

Can the Payday lender charge me with a crime if I do not pay back my Pay Day loan?

Only police, sheriffs, or a District Attorney can charge you with a crime.

A payday lender may threaten criminal charges if you do not pay.

You do owe a debt to the payday lender.

But in Louisiana it is rare for the police, sheriff, or district attorney to charge someone with a crime for not paying back this kind of loan.

I gave the lender a personal check and it bounced.

The lender can now charge you a $25 NSF (“Not Sufficient Funds”) fee and any fees the lender charges for processing the bad check.

More information can be found at:

The information provided on this post does not, and is not intended to, represent legal advice. All information available on this site is for general informational purposes only. If you need legal help, you should contact a lawyer. You may be eligible for our free legal services and can apply by calling our Covid Legal Hotline at 1-844-244-7871 or applying online here.

You have the right to fight mistakes on your Sewerage and Water Board (SWB) bill.

How can I tell SWB if I think there is a mistake on my bill?

There are 4 ways to tell the Sewerage and Water Board (SWB) when you think there is a mistake on your bill.

1. You can call the Sewerage and Water Board to tell them about the mistake

The phone number is (504) 529-2837.

SWB Customer Service is open Monday through Friday from 7:00 am to 7:00 pm.

2. You can send an e-mail to SWB about the mistake on your bill

The website for SWB is

Go to Customer Service.

Pick Email the Customer Service Department.

3. You can send a message by Fax to tell SWB about a mistake on your bill.

            The fax number for SWB is (504) 585-2455.

4. You can write to SWB by mail to tell them about the mistake on your bill.

Here is the mailing address for SWB.

Sewerage and Water Board of New Orleans

Mail Resolving Department

625 St. Joseph Street

New Orleans, LA 70165

What happens after I tell SWB about the mistake on my bill?

Keep paying your SWB bill the amount you are usually billed.

That means your regular bill amount before the bill that had the mistake you are complaining about.

SWB should tell you that it has your complaint.

SWB should let you know that they are looking at your complaint to see if there is a mistake on your bill.

SWB will mark the bill you complained about  “under investigation.”

SWB should send you a letter every 30 days during its investigation.

SWB’s Bill Adjustment Department will do the things listed below.

Check your past 12 months of water use to see if it is in the normal range.

If water use does not look normal, SWB will tell the SWB Meter Reading Department to check the  meter where you live.

Here is what happens if SWB needs to check to make sure the meter is working correctly.

SWB’s Meter Reading Department will call you to set up appointment to inspect your meter.

You should be there when SWB comes to check the meter.

SWB’s meter checker should take down information about the meter and how it is working, and give this information to SWB for its review of your complaint about your bill.

What does SWB label as “normal” water and sewer use?

SWB looks at the  average of the 2 most recent actual meter readings before the change.

SWB will label any use above that average amount “excess” use.

What happens if investigation not finished by my next bill?

Your new bill will tell you if the investigation is still going on.

If the investigation is not finished, the amount due on your bill is only for that month’s usage and you should pay it.

You do not have to pay the disputed charges when you get your new bill.

Keep paying your regular monthly bills until the investigation is finished.

What happens during this investigation if I think my new monthly bill is still not correct?

Contact SWB to ask that these new charges be included in your open investigation.

Remember that  you must pay what you think the regular  month’s charges should be.

What happens when the investigation is done?

SWB will send you a letter when the investigation is over.

The letter may say there was a leak and that you must fix the leak.

The letter may say there was the kind of leak that SWB must fix.

The letter may say SWB cannot find a reason for the high bill.

Here is what happens if SWB says it is up to you to fix a leak.

SWB’s letter will tell you there was a leak on your property.

It is up to you to fix leaks on your property.

You should hire a licensed plumber to fix leaks.

Make sure the licensed plumber gives you a written report of all repairs done.

Keep this report.

Keep proof of what you paid for the repairs.

Write to SWB with proof of the repairs.

SWB will review and once a meter reading shows normal water usage, they will adjust your balance. For leaks that were above ground they will take off up to 50% of the extra billing, For below ground leaks they will take off up to 100% of the sewer and up to 50% of the water extra billing.

Here is what happens if SWB says it is SWB’s job to fix a leak it found.

SWB’s letter may say that there was the kind of leak that SWB must fix.

SWB will cancel the 100% of the sewer and water charges for a leak that SWB had to fix.

Remember that SWB will only cancel the above normal or “excess” billing from a leak that it was SWB’s job to fix.

Here is what happens if SWB cannot find a reason for the high bill.

SWB’s letter will say if it could not find what caused the high bill.

If no reason was found AND the bill was high for only one month, SWB will reduce your bill to your normal bill amount.

What happens if my monthly bills still are higher than normal usage?

Contact SWB immediately.

You should also get notice from SWB to check for leaks.

What if I don’t agree with the findings of the investigation?

If you disagree with the findings, you can ask for a hearing with SWB’s Administrative Hearing Officer.

Contact Customer Service at (504) 529-2837.

Learn more on the SWB site: