The information provided on this post does not, and is not intended to, represent legal advice. All information available on this site is for general informational purposes only. If you need legal help, you should contact a lawyer. You may be eligible for our free legal services and can apply by calling our Covid Legal Hotline at 1-844-244-7871 or applying online here.

Did you live in Bayou Towers before Hurricane Ida?

Do you have things you still need to get from your unit?

Have you been told you cannot enter?

If so, we may be able to help arrange access to remove your belongings. Southeast Louisiana Legal Services is a nonprofit law firm looking to help disaster survivors. Call our Disaster Legal Services Hotline to see if you can get free legal help from Southeast Louisiana Legal Services:


Or apply online here.

We also help with:

  • FEMA denials
  • RESTORE Louisiana denials
  • Heir Property, Successions, and Title Clearing
  • Contractor Disputes