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Update: You only need to have received $5,000 in home repair assistance from FEMA to qualify for Restore Louisiana! There are new Restore Mobile locations and events too!

Additionally, they are having in-person events. You can find information here:

Am I eligible?

All these things must be true for you to get this aid:

  • You must have owned the home when the hurricane hit.
  • That home must have been your “primary residence.” That means the home was the main place where you lived at the time of the hurricane.
  • You must still own that home.
  • Your income must be low-to-moderate. There are rules about what that means.
  • The government must find that your home had “major and severe” damage.
  • Any one of the three things listed here should mean your home had “major and severe” damage:
  • You received a FEMA award of at least $5,000 to repair your home.
  • You received a FEMA award of at least $3,500 for personal property.
  • Your home had more than one foot of flooding.

For more information on eligibility and how the program works, refer to our previous blog post here: