Do I owe rent if I am displaced from my home due to a natural disaster? Am I entitled to pay less rent if my house was damaged or is unlivable because of the disaster?

Unfortunately, yes, you likely still owe rent. The law treats a natural disaster as an “Act of God.” When you cannot use your home because of an Act of God, you may be able to get out of your lease (see below). But you cannot pay less rent. See Louisiana Civil Code article 2715: “If the impairment of the use of the leased thing was caused by circumstances external to the leased thing, the lessee is entitled to a dissolution of the lease, but is not entitled to diminution of the rent.” However, there are some possible exceptions:

  • As will be explained further down, if you are displaced from your home temporarily so your landlord can make repairs, you may be entitled to a reduction of rent during your displacement under Louisiana Civil Code article 2693.
  • If your use of your home is “substantially impaired” based, in part, on your landlord’s failure to make repairs or conduct maintenance- i.e. something in your landlord’s control- you may be owed a reduction in rent under Louisiana Civil Code article 2715. At least one court has said that you can’t decide this on your own, but instead you have to get court approval and/or come to an agreement with your landlord.
  • Louisiana Revised Statute 9:3260 states that your landlord must mitigate your damages (i.e. try to reduce the financial harm you experience) when you are constructively evicted or the unit becomes uninhabitable through no fault of the tenant. Constructive eviction is when you are forced to move from your home without being ordered to by a judge. The law does not define what the landlord must do to mitigate your damages, and courts have not said.

Can my landlord evict me without going to court due to damage from a natural disaster?

No. Su arrendador debe acudir a los tribunales para desalojarlo. Él o ella no debe obligarlo a irse sin una orden de desalojo del juez.

The only time your landlord can change the locks or put your items out without going through the court process is if they think you have abandoned the home. However, for the 30 days after a federal disaster declaration, your landlord cannot claim “abandonment” just because you are evacuated, displaced, or not living in the home. If your landlord violates this provision, he may be forced to pay penalties and attorney’s fees if you take him to court. This is a new law that was passed after Hurricane Ida. See La. Code of Civil Procedure article 4731(C).

If you are displaced be sure to notify your landlord in writing that you are still residing in the unit and plan to return. Text message is a good way to communicate with your landlord in writing.

What if my landlord will not repair damage from a natural disaster?

Informe inmediatamente a su arrendador por escrito sobre cualquier daño causado por la tormenta que deba repararse. Para esto está bien utilizar mensajes de texto o correo electrónico. También deberías tomar y enviar fotografías si puedes.

Su arrendador debe mantener su casa habitable según el artículo del Código Civil de Luisiana. 2691, a menos que su contrato de arrendamiento indique que usted es quien debe hacer las reparaciones. Es posible que los contratistas estén reservados y no estén disponibles por un tiempo. Esto no es culpa de su arrendador. Pero su arrendador no hará las reparaciones que puede hacer para mantener su casa habitable; tiene tres opciones:

  1. Salga anticipadamente de su contrato de arrendamiento (Ver Código Civ. 2013 o 2015)
  2. Reparar y deducir (Ver Código Civil de La. art. 2694)
  3. Demandar por daños y perjuicios (es probable que necesite un abogado privado ya que la asistencia jurídica no puede ayudarle con esto)

To “repair and deduct” you must write your landlord as to what repairs are needed. If your landlord does not make needed repairs in a reasonable time, you can make repairs yourself or hire someone to make them. Then, save the receipt and deduct it from your next month’s rent. Be sure to pay rent on time with a money order and attach a copy of the receipt. If your landlord won’t accept what you pay, keep the money order to show the judge in case your landlord tries to evict you. If you do these steps right, the judge should not let your landlord evict you for nonpayment of rent.

If the damage to your home is caused by a pre-disaster issue with the property rather than an Act of God, you may be entitled to a reduced rent if use of your home is “substantially impaired.” See La. Civ. Code art. 2715. At least one court has said you cannot decide the amount to reduce the rent on your own. Instead you must either reach an agreement with your landlord about the amount or sue in court for a reduction.

¿Puede mi arrendador pedirme que me vaya para poder hacer reparaciones?

Sí, su arrendador puede obligarlo a mudarse si las reparaciones no pueden esperar hasta el final de su contrato de arrendamiento. El Código Civil de Luisiana 2693 dice:

Si durante el arrendamiento la cosa requiere una reparación que no puede posponerse hasta la finalización del mismo, el arrendador tiene derecho a hacer esa reparación aunque ello cause al arrendatario molestias o pérdida de uso de la cosa.

Cuando esto sucede, es posible que tenga derecho a pagar menos alquiler o a rescindir su contrato de arrendamiento, dependiendo de todos los hechos, incluida la culpa o responsabilidad de cada parte por la reparación, cuánto tiempo lleva la reparación y cuánto menos puede costar la casa. usado.

El propietario no tiene que alojarlo en un hotel ni pagarle para que viva en otro lugar si está fuera por un tiempo para realizar reparaciones necesarias. Puede argumentar que no debería adeudar alquiler por el tiempo que esté fuera, o al menos que debería adeudar menos alquiler.*

*Pero si su contrato de arrendamiento dice algo diferente, su contrato de arrendamiento prevalece.

¿Qué pasa si mi contrato de arrendamiento está vencido o estoy de mes a mes?

If your lease is expired it becomes a month-to-month lease under Louisiana law, unless your lease says something different. Unless you live in certain government-funded housing, like Low Income Housing Tax Credit housing or public housing, your landlord does not need a reason to evict you at the end of your lease. They can evict you after written notice 10 days’ before the end of a month-to-month lease, (unless your lease requires more notice). They can evict after written notice 30 days before the end of a year lease (unless the lease requires more notice). This does not mean your landlord can just put you out. Your landlord still has to file an eviction in court if you do not move. He or she cannot put you out without an eviction judgment and a “warrant for possession” from a court. Click here for more information about the Louisiana eviction process.

Is my landlord allowed to evict me due to damage from a natural disaster?

Si su casa queda totalmente destruida, su arrendador puede desalojarlo ante el tribunal después de que los tribunales vuelvan a abrir. Según el artículo 2714 del Código Civil de Luisiana: “Si la cosa arrendada se pierde o se destruye totalmente, sin culpa de ninguna de las partes, o si es expropiada, el contrato de arrendamiento termina y ninguna de las partes debe daños a la otra”.*

Sometimes a home is only partially destroyed, like from a leak or broken window but it is still livable. Sometimes a home is temporarily unlivable like for lack of electricity. For partial or temporary cases, your landlord cannot legally evict you. Under Louisiana Civil Code 2715: “If the impairment of the use of the leased thing was caused by circumstances external to the leased thing, the lessee is entitled to a dissolution of the lease.” In other words, YOU have a right to end your lease, but the landlord cannot end it.*

*Revise su contrato de arrendamiento, porque si su contrato de arrendamiento dice algo diferente a la ley, su contrato de arrendamiento regirá aquí. Algunos contratos de arrendamiento tienen una cláusula de “fuerza mayor” que dice lo que sucede en caso de huracán u otro desastre.

¿Qué debo hacer si mi arrendador intenta desalojarme injustamente?

Un desalojo injustificado es cuando el propietario cambia las cerraduras, corta los servicios públicos o retira sus cosas de la propiedad sin acudir a los tribunales.

Si su arrendador está en su casa amenazándolo con desalojarlo injustamente o lo está desalojando injustamente y usted se siente cómodo haciéndolo, puede llamar a la policía y ellos deberían detener a su arrendador. Usted conoce a las autoridades locales mejor que nosotros y sabe si esto es seguro y prudente para usted.

Si tus ingresos son bajos es posible que puedas acceder a asistencia jurídica gratuita.

Southeast Louisiana (Southeast Louisiana Legal Services) – (504) 529-1000 x. 223 or (press 1 before the extension if you do not get through- messages can be left in any language).

Northern and western Louisiana (Acadiana Legal Services Corporation) –  (800)-256-1175 or

Am I allowed to break my lease if my home is unlivable due to a natural disaster?

If your home is not livable due to a natural disaster, you may be able to get out of your lease early.

Según el Código Civil de Luisiana 2715: "Si el deterioro del uso de la cosa arrendada fue causado por circunstancias externas a la cosa arrendada, el arrendatario tiene derecho a la disolución del contrato de arrendamiento..." El deterioro debe ser "sustancial".

If you plan to end your lease early, you should notify your landlord in writing why it is unlivable. Be sure to turn in the key or notify your landlord in writing where you left it. Take good pictures of the unit. If your landlord sues you later for breaking your lease, or reports a debt on your credit, contact a lawyer.

Please note: if you live in government subsidized housing where you pay rent based on your income, you should NOT terminate your lease without speaking to a lawyer. This might affect your right to return to the property once it is repaired.

¿Cómo recupero mi depósito de seguridad si me mudo?

Once your lease has ended and you have completely vacated the unit your landlord has 30 days to either return your deposit or write to you why they are keeping it. If your unit was destroyed because of a hurricane or other Act of God you should get your deposit back. Your landlord can deduct from the security deposit for damage caused by you or your guests or for fees or rent you owe. When you move out you should take pictures of the unit. You should also try to have something to prove you returned the keys (text message or email works). You need to give your landlord a forwarding address (it does not have to be where you live, just a place you get mail). After the 30 days you can sue your landlord in small claims court for your deposit.

You should also send your landlord a written letter as soon as you move out asking for the deposit back. If your landlord does not respond to your letter within 30 days of receiving it, you may be able to get three times your deposit back. You can find more information about the security deposit process here.

¿Puedo conseguir un abogado?

Dependiendo de sus ingresos, es posible que pueda obtener asistencia jurídica gratuita.

Southeast Louisiana (Southeast Louisiana Legal Services) – (504) 529-1000 x. 223 or (press 1 before the extension if you do not get through- messages can be left in any language).

Northern and western Louisiana (Acadiana Legal Services Corporation) –  (800)-256-1175 or

¿Dónde puedo encontrar otros recursos sobre la ley entre propietarios e inquilinos de Luisiana?

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