SLLS is seeking proposals for professional consulting services for a technology and cybersecurity assessment and audit. The consultant will:
- Complete a technology assessment and audit for SLLS operations.
- Complete an information technology (IT) assessment and security audit for SLLS’ operations.
- Deliver a report with the vendor/consultant’s findings and recommendations.
- Help SLLS develop an implementation plan and relevant information technology practices and policies in response to the recommendations and findings of the assessments and IT security audit.
This Request for Proposal is made possible from a grant from the Legal Services Corporation Technology Initiative Grant. The estimated upper limit for the vendor portion of this project is $29,495.
The deadline for submissions of proposals is Monday, March 7, 2022 by 6:00 PM Eastern/5:00PM Central.
You can view the full request for proposals here.
For questions, please contact:
Lisa J. Stansky
Technology Initiatives and Special Projects Manager Southeast Louisiana Legal Services
504.529.1000 ext. 279