Denied a Restore LA Grant because you could not show ownership? On appeal, Restore LA now allows you to submit self-certified statements to prove you own your home. If you submitted a statement like the example below for FEMA, you can also use that one.

With your self-certified statement, you should include all the documents you have that show you lived at the property and acted as an owner of the property.

Examples of good paperwork include: utility bills, bills of sale, voter registration records, social security paperwork, medical bills or related paperwork, repair bills or home material purchases that predate the disaster.

Sample Self Certified Statement of Ownership and Occupancy

I, ___________________________(full name), am the owner of the home located at ____________________________________________________________________________.

I became the owner on ___________ (date).  At the time of Hurricane Ida, I was living in the home and started living in the home on ____________ (date you moved into the home)

I acquired ownership by_________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________(explanation).

I have made a good faith effort to obtain documentation, but I do not have any other documents because _____________________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________(explanation).

I hereby declare under penalty of perjury that the information contained in this declaration is true and correct. Executed this ________day of MONTH YEAR.
